Red Sea State Governor on World Drug Day: Calls for Popular Mobilization to Fight Drugs

Director of the public health sector: calls for unifying the media discourse and preventing non-specialists from addressing the media.

Director of Mental Health, Ministry of Health, Red Sea State: Drug addiction has increased among displaced people.

Port Sudan: Muhammad Mustafa

The Ministry of Health in the Red Sea State has warned of the consequences of the spread of drugs among young people aged 15 to 25, as the rate of drug abuse has increased among displaced persons and young people, especially in shelters and in some residences. neighborhoods suffering from poverty. The current state of the drug rate has shown the discovery of cases of addiction and the refusal of some drug addicts to convert to the psychiatric hospital in Port Sudan, at the same time.

The Governor of the Red Sea State, Major General Maash Mustafa Muhammad Nour, speaking today at the Red Sea State Police Hall, speaking on the activities of the World Anti-Drug Day “under the slogan” the fight against drugs is a national and religious duty, “stressed the need for concerted efforts on the part of the state and society and that urgent interventions must be made by families, heads of families and the community to monitor children, especially young people, noting that he had received complaints from some mayors and sheikhs of poor residential neighborhoods. on the increase in the rate of drug addiction among young people in neighborhoods that suffer from poverty, and he added by saying: There must be a campaign and popular mobilization for all citizens of the state to combat drugs, and health work must be regulated and supported, including a drug addiction treatment program.

The governor called on the health sector in his state to launch a massive anti-drug campaign involving mayors, sheikhs and community stakeholders to educate the community on the dangers of drug abuse.

For her part, the Director of the Health Sector in the Red Sea State, Dr. Ahlam Abdul Rasoul said that the ministry is working with the relevant authorities to implement awareness programs aimed at reducing the rate of abuse as a first line of defense and treatment as a last line of treatment, stressing the need to unify the media discourse of the governor of the state, and stop people who talk about drugs in the media without knowing it, which leads to negative results – she said – and she added: We call on the governor to put an end to this chaos, and she went on to say that among the recommendations are the expansion of the drug addiction services at the Port Sudan Psychiatric Hospital and the establishment of a laboratory inside the hospital to carry out drug addiction and drug tests.

In the same context, Dr. Rasha Muhammad Taher, Director of the State's Current Situation, said that the war has increased the rate of drug addiction among young people aged 15 to 25, especially among the displaced in the shelter, which amounts to more than seventy centers in the state, stressing that cases of addiction have been discovered among them and some of them have been referred for treatment at the Port Sudan Diseases Hospital, she added, in a third of the shelters in which psychological and social counseling operations have been carried out. However, cases of drug addiction have been discovered among the displaced, which she attributed to the conditions of displacement and unemployment and its spread among them. She went on to say that a number of cases of post-traumatic stress disorder have emerged, especially among children.

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