Red Sea University Absence in all areas ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

The idea of ​​establishing universities in the states did not come out of nowhere and had lofty and noble objectives, the first of which was to serve and advance the people of the region.

I have not heard or seen the contribution of the Red Sea University in conducting specialized scientific studies to resolve the drinking water problem in Port Sudan, nor its vision to find solutions to the chronic problem electricity.

I have neither heard nor seen the contribution of the Red Sea University to projects aimed at combating poverty and eliminating the deadly trinity that continues to accompany the population of eastern Sudan: poverty, ignorance and disease.

The Red Sea University is home to the College of Earth Sciences, which specializes in the study of groundwater and various minerals. This college is responsible for providing a comprehensive vision to resolve these chronic problems.

We were happy that the current director of the Red Sea University was appointed by the state, and we placed great hopes in him to bring the state out of the abyss and bring it to safety, but unfortunately we did not We didn't find a quarter of what we had hoped for.

If this is the son of the state, the director of the Red Sea University, and the person of the state does not care about him, then I wonder who will bear our concerns and defend our problems.

In the past, I used to support the idea of ​​appointing the sons of the state to various leadership positions because they are the closest and most capable of touching their sufferings. However, this did not happen, and the sons of the state. became a burden and added to his burden of worry, and the examples are numerous.

Look at the leadership positions held by the people of the states in various regions of Sudan, and you will see that the bottom line of performance is zero. I don't know where the problem lies, whether it's a lack of self-confidence or a lack of self-belief. fear of making decisions and fear of what will result from making that decision.

The strange thing is that when a son of the state is assigned to a leadership position other than that of his state, he achieves great achievements and enjoys the respect and appreciation of the people, but in his State, failure is his ally.

Director of the Red Sea University, come out of your air-conditioned office, say goodbye to your employees' reports, roll up your sleeves and take a clear vision in serving the people of the state, and you find all the people around you who will carry you on their neck and walk you through the streets of Port Sudan to celebrate and celebrate your great deeds.

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