Red Sea University: it commemorates its missing people… and treats their children like the children of current workers

Port Sudan:

The Red Sea University today organized a memorial service for Professor Ahmed Abdel Aziz and the loss of the university at the Al Khabeer International Conference Complex, under the patronage of Professor Abdel Qader Badawi Mohamed, Director of the university, and in the presence of leaders. government institutions and competent authorities.

Professor Abdul Qader Badawi Muhammad, director of the Red Sea University, announced that the university administration treated the children of the deceased in the same way as the children of those who worked for university fees, stressing that the university had lost a number of its first generation and founding fathers who were pioneers in many fields, and he added that they had a major role in its development, each according to their specialization, and he went on to say that they left behind a good story, and that Professor Ahmed Abdel Aziz and his companions remain inspiring.

For his part, Dr. Ahmed Bilal, Director of the National University of Port Sudan, said that Professor Ahmed Abdelaziz was one of the founders of the university since it was a college, explaining that it became a university under his reign.

He stressed that there is cooperation between the Red Sea University and the National University of Port Sudan in the field of education.

In the same context, Professor Muhammad Al-Amin Hamza, head of the memorial committee of Professor Ahmed Abdel Aziz and others, said that the memorial was organized in memory of the departed members of the university, as a sign of loyalty and gratitude for their role in building the university, indicating that the memorial included all those who had passed away since the last memorial was held at this university for the late resident Mustafa Muhammad Jaafar, former chairman of the university council.

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