Redemption of the homeland and livelihood of the diaspora – the share is a homeland – ✍️ Ahmed Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Shendi

I send a sincere patriotic greeting mixed with the sacrifices made in favor of the religion and the homeland of the people of my country who stood firm like high mountains in the face of the deluge of a brutal global plan aimed at destroying a country of the size of a continent.

The matter is more serious than a war, because the objective is to annihilate identity, to empty a country of its inhabitants and to tear it apart to become mini-states easy to capture, to finally pay the bill with his goods and property. the wealth for the claw executed through the tools and puppets of our own people, the rebel terrorist militia backed by mercenaries, backed by agents and the livelihood of its shameless political wing or Progress or the chameleon that follows what his masters ask him, the evil state and the forces of global arrogance

The Taqaddam meeting in Ethiopia, attended by 600 people, revealed the true face of the revolution, and perhaps the revolution against the so-called representative of the farmers, when he declared the truth spoken by Almighty God. Powerful regarding blatant subsidy violations in the state. of Al-Jazeera, is sufficient and conclusive proof of their support and rejection of the practices and atrocities perpetrated by the rebellion, and even its supporters.

The Ethiopia Conference progressed and came out naked, without anything to cover its private parts, in front of the Sudanese street, which reached the highest levels of suffering due to the war practiced by its partner, the blood partner of the Janjaweed, and she supports him. through trips around the world, workshops and conferences to provide support and find a place for him and them on the post-war scene.

Nudity was exposed and everything that was hidden and concealed in the cover of Taqadum was revealed, who tries to beautify his image with powders that could hide the traces of subjugation, humiliation and shoe licking to those who do not want good for Sudan. and his people. At their head is the evil state, the powerful claw of global arrogance. They are firewood carriers, stirring up sedition and starting a war which, whenever it lasts, leads to the implementation of the evil plan they have painted it to be.

We have areas to which we must pay attention and strongly activate, because they constitute strong support for combatants on the battlefields, namely media and economic issues. These files are very crucial and go hand in hand with military determination and the very important terrain. progress noted in the areas of military operations.

We must not let misleading media and rumors come between us, and this will only be possible with media that keep pace with events and raise us to the required level, ready in terms of personnel and coverage that we want to restore. the glories of the battlefields of redemption and the war correspondent at the scene of the event.

As for the economy, it constitutes the backbone or transfer (Al-Rikaza Division) to cope with the effects of the war and its numerous and significant consequences facing the Sudanese state and society.

The three axes, the field, the media and the economy, must go hand in hand. They constitute the triangle with which we will emerge from the flames of this war, shamelessly ignited thanks to the tool of its implementation, the Janjaweed. . Therefore, all of us, government and people, must work for these axes to succeed and support them with great strength so that we do not die from them, God willing.

My sincere message to my patriotic people: strike with an iron fist any traitor, agent, fifth columnist, who lives among you like a tick, sucking blood to support this rebel terrorist militia, or who is shameless, or who plays for his personal interests.

He who upholds falsehood is humbled, and he who upholds the truth is firm and proud, and the ranks have been separated, and there is no middle in which he can stand. So, neither with the people of patience and trial who want it. be victorious, God willing, the followers of the truth, or in the boat of the perishing, those who hope for salvation but have not followed its ways, for the boat does not sail on dry land.

I conclude: is it possible that 600 people decide the fate of a country and 45 million of its inhabitants, and that whoever received this right to health, to strength, and not to be afraid, and as they said, be afraid or die?

Sudan is victorious with the blood of the martyrs who were shed on the battlefield and the wounded who were injured there. Therefore, God will achieve a great victory that will rejoice and heal the hearts of men who have gone out only to and for God. for the love of God, competing to gain the honor of martyrdom and join a list whose names were written in letters of light that will be the history and pride of future generations.

We ask God to preserve the security of the country and our people and achieve complete victory over us, to accept the martyrs, to heal the wounded, to release the captives and to return the missing safe and sound to their families, If God wills.

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