Regulating the legal profession – Whale's Thorn – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*Thousands of law school graduates from Sudanese and non-Sudanese universities attended intensive courses to pass the legal profession organization exams, which were supervised by the Ministry of Justice before the outbreak of war. The ministry used to hold this exam twice a year. so that graduates can adapt their professional conditions and join the flag of judicial institutions, the regulatory examination of the legal profession is considered an obligation for any law student who intends to engage in the exercise of the profession legal, and it is an obligation. is an integral part of the academic process in law schools. Without this, a law graduate would be useless for his university studies, and passing this exam is a fundamental condition for entering the job market in all legal institutions. practice the legal profession inside and outside Sudan*.

*And not to go too far, the Ministry of Justice used to organize this review in the capital, Khartoum, and it is a central review, but the war conditions that Khartoum is witnessing have prevented the the exam takes place this year or even extract the results of those who took the exam in the previous session due to necessarily known circumstances, and the Ministry of Justice must seriously consider carrying out this examination, taking into account the supervision of the Ministry of Justice, it has full and complete supervision. by organizing the examination, provided that it is a unified and single examination, and by supervising the monitoring, correction processes and approving the result, because the situation in Khartoum indicates that it does not There will be no Khartoum in the next five years, even if the war stops today, in addition to destroying all institutions, including the Ministry of Justice, the Attorney General and the judiciary, forcing the Ministry of Justice to seriously consider holding these examinations in stable States*.

*The National Council of Medical Specialties followed the same policy as that followed by the Ministry of Justice regarding examinations for the exercise of the medical profession, but it was forced to conduct examinations in this manner in the states to the end of last August. , this saved time for medical students, and nothing prevents the Ministry of Justice from carrying out the examination of the state organization of the legal profession in the coming period, as long as that Sudan will live in a state of war. used from the halls of state universities to take the examinations for aptitude to practice the profession of lawyer, and thinking outside the box in such circumstances breathes spirit and vitality into the institutions concerned with the 'integration of the academic process, such as medical specialties, practicing law profession, and obtaining journalist registration to practice the profession of journalist and similar institutions that require access to similar exams, because life does not Don't stop what's happening in Khartoum*.

*It can be said that taking the decision to conduct these exams in the states is a matter of necessity, and this issue would whet the appetite of the owners of institutes and training centers to restore their business in the states to train students in law and provide The challenge remains for the Ministry of Justice to seriously consider the decision to hold examinations for the legal profession and then begin to organize the examination and agree with state universities to hold them. A single center may be opened within the presidency of each state, after which each event will be the subject of a presentation and each position will be the subject of an article*.

Half a fork

*Anyone who expects the waters to return to normal in Khartoum within five years in order to accommodate the same activities as before the war is a kind of fantasy, because Khartoum has become a ghost town and does not allow any activity. carried out in the near future based on current data and indicators*.

A quarter of a fork

*Even if the war stops and the water returns to its normal flow in Khartoum, it is no longer drinkable, so we must develop an alternative plan and an alternative plan to the alternative plan*.


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