Relations between Asmara and Khartoum are going well ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

The impossible is in hand

Relations between Asmara and Khartoum are good

Written by Muhammad Othman Al Reda

Those with foreign plans and sick hearts always seek to sow discord, erect barricades and dig trenches to create tensions between Khartoum and Asmara.

They appear and disappear on demand, and I mean (the saboteurs of relations between the two countries). Their first and last concern is to break the eternal historical relations between Sudan and the State of Eritrea.

They are creative and weave and fabricate fake news in the international space according to their unhealthy whims and chronic illnesses, with the aim of sowing confusion and undermining trust between both sides.

Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki Abraham is one of the most concerned and compassionate presidents towards the Sudanese people, and he has continued to personally follow the course of successive events, despite the enormity of his responsibilities.

Eritrea was the first country to open its land and air borders to the Sudanese after the outbreak of war in Sudan and treated the Sudanese people the same as the Eritrean people.

The Eritrean people opened the doors of their homes and welcomed the Sudanese people into their arms, and the Eritrean lands became a refuge for the Sudanese fleeing the scourge of war.

The State of Eritrea has presented a comprehensive vision to end the fighting and war in Sudan, through the honest proposal presented by Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki at the conference of neighboring countries hosted by the Egyptian capital, Cairo.

The Vienna Convention regulating diplomatic work, ratified by approximately 191 countries, which regulates the work and activity of employees of the diplomatic corps, and through the provisions of this agreement, which provides for the expulsion of any diplomat who violates the laws of the host country and interferes in the internal affairs of the host country, in addition to undertaking any activity hostile or prohibited by the laws and customs of the host country.

According to diplomatic norms and laws, expelling an ambassador or diplomat does not in any way mean breaking off relations between the two countries. This is a well-known principle and there are many precedents in this matter.

Sudanese-Eritrean relations will remain among the most distinguished relations as they are based on mutual respect and non-interference in internal affairs, and the interdependence between the Sudanese and Eritrean peoples is the greatest proof of affection and brotherhood.

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