Reserve Forces Hold Race for Reserve Recruits

This morning, the Reserve Forces Command held the Dahiya Marathon for the 24th batch of reserve recruits who received training at the Abdullah bin Abi Sarh Camp in Al-Salim.

This was sponsored by Mr. Ezz El-Din El-Sayed, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Youth and Sports.

In the presence of His Excellency Lieutenant Colonel Al-Fateh Fadl Al-Mawla, Commander of the Reserve Forces, Major Yasser Mahmoud, Commander of the Second Reserve, Mr. Hussein Ibrahim Abdel Halim, Coordinator of the Reserve Forces, executive leaders and symbols and notables of the region.

The Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Youth and Sports spoke at the marathon organized by the reserve forces, saying that young people are the pillar of the nation and paying attention to their problems is a duty.

This preparation and training confirms the will of young people to defend the land and provide for the needs of the homeland.

He praised the armed forces, other regular forces and those on alert for the efforts made to protect the country from militias, mercenaries and mercenaries who have desecrated the soil of the homeland.

From him

His Excellency Lieutenant Colonel Al-Fateh Fadl Al-Mawla said that the race ignites enthusiasm in the hearts of young people, strengthens their determination and restores their self-confidence.

This confirms their determination to defeat the rebel militias.

I am pleased with the imminent victory of the armed forces

The race included prizes and honors for first-place competitors.

Abu Amr Stores offered a financial prize to the first candidate


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