Resistance, Values ​​and Popular Behaviors ✴️ Another Angle ✴️ ✍️ Dr. Amna Muhammad Abd al-Rahman al-Imam

The enlightenment platform for the popular resistance in the state of North Kordofan is to announce the legalization of the popular resistance in accordance with the controls, laws, rights and duties for the purpose of close organization and coordination of efforts to protect the land and honor. One of the most important things mentioned in the description of this resistance is its role in both war and peace, which involves employing energies to preserve the homeland from enemies, construction, reconstruction and development.

Resistance is a broad concept that includes all principles of tolerance, national values, courage, chivalry, jihad and sacrifice.

True patriotism is the password of popular resistance. Financially and morally supporting the armed forces and regular forces is one of the national duties. Supporting and helping the weak is a moral duty before being patriotic. One of the most important roles of popular resistance. Carrying a rifle to defend the land and honor and giving blood, in application of the values ​​of altruism, giving and giving, is one of the foundations of popular resistance.

Every zealous patriot who aspires to the interest of the country will find himself in the popular resistance, with his hand, his pen, his money or his blood. Let us hasten to respond to the call of the nation.

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