Resolving battles is to explode the evil plan – the share is a homeland – ✍️ Ahmed Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Shendi

I extend a national greeting to all my countrymen as we breathe in the wake of the birth anniversary of the Master of Humans, the Messenger of the True Religion, the Guide of Humanity, who brought them out of darkness into light.

The anniversary of the birth of the Chosen One, may God bless him and grant him peace, comes upon us, as the Sudanese people and land are facing the greatest conspiracy in its history (the global evil plan), which aims to destroy and tear the country apart after plundering its wealth and erasing its identity by bringing about demographic change.

The battle on the ground has been decided, and there are only pockets of gangs and looting here and there that are being eliminated, but a fierce war is intensifying, now being waged with the skill and capacity of Sudanese diplomacy at the level of international institutions (the guardian and protector of the world gate, Al-Harith Idris, our distinguished representative in the Security Council and the United Nations), the agencies that constitute the kitchen of the drawing and support the direction of this plan, which was used in its implementation on our own land, the tools and puppets of the criminal Dagalo militia and the agents, spies of the embassies, Bani Qaht.

The battle of diplomacy is no less fierce than the war battles he fought with professionalism that amazed the whole world, the Sudanese army and our regular services, with unlimited popular support and support, with the popular resistance that mobilized and mobilized all the masses of the country. the Sudanese people, who do not want any foreign presence that affects national sovereignty and wastes the dignity of the nation, and perhaps in the expulsion of a Volker mission, colonialism is the best proof and statement of action.

Today, diplomacy is moving forward on a steady path and winning one victory after another, tightening the grip on the world, which is sending messages of stick and root through statements imposing sanctions – an arms embargo and the presence of UN forces to protect civilians, and it is nothing but an empty fanfare that is part of the morale boosting of Hemedti's terrorist militias and the embassy agents to continue the march in the war they have unleashed in Sudan.

We have reached the point of absolute certainty that the people of the poisonous global program and their henchmen, the puppets of implementation, will drink the bitterness of defeat in another battle of the diplomatic conflict after the parties concerned have undressed the plan and exposed before the whole world, which has pushed the Eastern Alliance to accelerate the path towards an alliance that constitutes support and strength for Sudan in its battle to reach the line. The end is a solid victory, God willing.

The resolution of battles on the ground and a successful diplomatic movement require strong media support and a complete knowledge of the economic file, which constitutes the main backbone to push and energize the process of resolving battles with diplomacy and the media.

The unity of the Sudanese people and their alignment behind their armed forces have formed a protective shield to confront this comprehensive plan and will lead the battle of construction and reconstruction that will follow the completion of the resolution of the battle of dignity by destroying the last Janjaweed and eliminating all the collaborators and participants of Qahati because they were spreading corruption and seeking refuge with their masters to destroy the country.

The gears must rotate at the same time so that we can produce the desired results, the most important of which is a Sudan free of Janja and Beni Qahtout, God willing.

The resolution of the combined battles (terrain – diplomacy – media – economy) will lead to successfully destroying the evil plan of the workers.

Tomorrow, the drums of victory will sound and the people will lead the battle of construction and reconstruction, so that Sudan can once again become a beacon for the whole world, especially for Africa, which has been dazzled by the lights of the United States and its allied leaders, who have neither grown rich nor gained weight through hunger, have therefore begun to free themselves from it, and Sudan's victory in its battle completes the breaking of the chains of this slavery.

We ask God for a quick victory for our people's armed forces, our regular services and the Mujahideen in the battle of pride and dignity, God willing.

Oh my God, accept the martyrs, heal the wounded, untie the prisoners and bring the missing back to their families safely, O Lord of the worlds.

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