Revenue Collection and Development Authority for North Kordofan State, Al-Aqim and Al-Taqim {2} ✴️ Another angle ✴️ ✍️ Amna Muhammad Abdel-Rahman Al-Imam

The results of the evaluation workshop of the development and revenue collection system must be considered and worked through analysis and dissection to reach the areas of defects and weak points. The experience of the device, like any human experience, is incomplete despite the coherence of the theory. legal framework and administrative structure. It is therefore necessary to self-criticize and remove possible intersections. Build positive communication with agency partners and activate administrative regulations in the movement of employees, taking into account aspects of transferring expertise to. avoiding injustice and self-defense, as this is part of human nature. Emphasis should also be placed on professional skills in accordance with controls and procedures.

The management of the Revenue Development and Recovery Authority is responsible for organizing numerous internal workshops with the aim of reflecting and correcting avenues and concepts for the success of this pioneering experience which achieves financial governance.

The development and revenue collection apparatus must also correct the mental image of the incentive system and the benefit of the tax surplus.

On the occasion of the mental image of the device, especially in these days of difficulty and suffering, the workshop rewards reinforce this image, even if the understanding is different.

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