Sabil congratulates Eid and announces resumption of activities in Port Sudan

General Manager of Subul International Services Company, Engineer Haitham Mahjoub Awadah, congratulated the Islamic nation and the people of Sudan on the blessed Eid al-Adha, and expressed his wish that God grants victory to the mujahideen , to the stationed and to the soldiers. the armed and joint forces, and the popular resistance, and that Eid would bring good, Yemen and blessings, and that our country would enjoy security and stability, and in the same context, Awadah announced the resumption of the company's activity in the city. from Port Sudan, with God's help and success, he renewed his assurances of the readiness of the company's management to meet the needs of customers and partners from government and private institutions and international and local organizations . He explained that the resumption of the company's activity is part of the process. framework of interest to continue its activity and work to provide services to interested parties, explaining that the company has established a plan to implement its programs in the coming period so that they adapt to multiple variables, with the aim of providing as many services as possible with the help and permission of God Almighty, with all his working arms, including mining services, solar energy, agricultural, animal production , industrial and export.

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