Safawiyya Bas – A Whale's Spine – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

Whale fork

*Bass Safaviyeh*

Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*The survivor married one of his work colleagues. He was handsome and polite, and his wife bore him three children in a short time. God wanted his wife to die in the blink of an eye, leaving her husband and her husband. children, who became orphans overnight. Here, the balance of the father's life changed, and he became attached to his children, taking care of them with the care of God Almighty, may he compensate them for the tenderness of the mother whom they lost faster than him. imagine, knowing that his wife has three sisters, two older than the deceased, and another who is younger in the house, whose name is Safaa, oh my God, for the purity of the beautiful character and beautiful morals (saliva towel) all*.

*And the children became between their three aunts and their father. Their aunt, Safaa, was captivatingly beautiful and the dream of all who knew her (Halat Akhir al-Laban Daoul, forty days after the death of the deceased, the family). The members decided to choose the husband of their surviving sister to marry one of their sisters so that she would be his wife and the mother of the children, and (The uncle is the father's partner, especially since the survivor is still in the prime of life, and the process of “shalabeh” is facilitated. After the matter was reported to him, he said to his late wife's family: “If I were to marry, I would not want to marry, but I see that the children are attached. for their aunt (Safaviyya Bas) and Safiyah is the youngest, the most beautiful, the most wonderful and the sweetest (Sukkar Yaashrq) and Safawiyya has become the mother of the children and the wife of the father, and here. we see that the parent has won the round without breaking the hearts of the elder sisters, and this is called diplomacy*.

*The Sudanese government claims today (Jeddah only). It can be said that the Jeddah Agreement signed on May 11, 2023, 26 days after the outbreak of the war in Khartoum, represented a model for stopping the war, because it was agreed to leave the homes of citizens, leave civilian property and gather forces. Rapid support in specific camps ensures their safe exit from Khartoum, and it can be said that the agreement cannot be negotiated, but must be implemented. Then, there is talk of continuing negotiations in the rest of the other files. Therefore, the implementation of the Jeddah Agreement must be implemented before starting the Geneva negotiations, which began to falter because they did not take Jeddah as a reference on which to build the negotiations. and the Sudanese government must insist on its position, which renews its determination to implement what was agreed in Jeddah, and the government's obligations will be as in the case of the deceased's husband, who chose Safawiyya for the sake of his children*.

*Just as the husband said that the children are attached to their aunt Safiya, it is also seen that the Sudanese, exhausted by displacement and asylum, want to return home despite the devastation and despite the thefts and looting that have affected homes, civilians. The citizens want to return to their homes, empty of their thrones, to feel stability and psychological comfort. They are exhausted by displacement and asylum. The Sudanese people want to return to where they were. they were within the walls, even if they spread out on the ground and start from scratch, and there is no other way to return except by implementing the provisions of the Jeddah Agreement signed on 11/05/2023 in the city of Jeddah*.

Half a fork

*As for the political scene, it has become very complex, and conflicts have increased in frequency and have intensified, and as politicians live off the mistakes of their colleagues, these conflicts are in the interest of other political groups that monitor, watch and count the conflicts within the forces of freedom and change.*

A quarter of a fork

*Oh, you impudent thing, the government is telling you that the solution is according to Safawiyya, but I mean that the solution lies only in implementing the provisions of the Jeddah Agreement*

(email protected)

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