Sahara 2024 Exhibition.. A Window to the Future of Egyptian-Sudanese Agricultural Cooperation – Something for the Homeland – ✍️ Ing Salah Ghariba.

The Sahara Expo 2024, in its 36th session, represents an important milestone in the history of agricultural cooperation between Egypt and Sudan. Despite the absence of Sudanese participation in this important event, the participation of the Egyptian-Sudanese Integration Center, represented by a lecture by Sudanese economist Dr. Adel Al-Faki, will open new horizons for joint cooperation between the two brotherly countries.

Sahara Exhibition has always been a vital platform that brings together experts, farmers and investors from around the world, providing them with a unique opportunity to exchange experiences and modern agricultural technologies. In light of the challenges facing the region’s agricultural sector, such as climate change and water scarcity, this exhibition is doubly important.

Agricultural cooperation between Egypt and Sudan goes beyond the simple exchange of seeds and crops. It represents a strategic vision aimed at achieving common goals, including food security by improving agricultural production and diversifying crops to meet the growing needs of the Egyptian and Sudanese people, and sustainable development by adopting sustainable agricultural practices that preserve natural resources and reduce the negative effects of climate change and create employment opportunities for young people in rural areas. Boosting investment in the agricultural sector, in addition to economic integration, improving trade between the two countries and reducing dependence on food imports.

Egypt and Sudan have enormous agricultural potential, but this must be optimally exploited. Among the promising opportunities that can be benefited from is the exchange of experiences in the field of water resources management. The two countries can benefit from their accumulated experience in the field of river and canal management, the development of modern irrigation systems, and cooperation in the field of water resources management. In the field of agricultural research, joint research centers can be established to conduct agricultural research and develop new crop varieties. With the development of agricultural value chains, work can be carried out to develop agricultural value chains from production to marketing in order to increase productivity. the added value of agricultural products and exploit modern technology. Modern technologies can be used in agriculture, such as smart agriculture and remote sensing systems, to improve productivity and reduce costs.

To strengthen agricultural cooperation between Egypt and Sudan, a number of measures can be taken, including activating existing bilateral agreements between the two countries in the agricultural field, as well as a joint investment fund. A joint investment fund can be established to finance joint agricultural projects and facilitate the exchange of experts and researchers between research institutions and universities of the two countries, and agricultural infrastructure should be developed in the border areas between the two countries, such as roads and irrigation systems. Encouraging the private sector to invest in joint agricultural projects.

Sahara Expo 2024 represents a new starting point for agricultural cooperation between Egypt and Sudan. Through concerted efforts and unified visions, the two countries can achieve significant progress in agriculture, ensure food security for their populations, and strengthen their economic integration.

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