Saudi hyena milk! ✍️ Rashan O'Shea

Sudan alone is suffering the tragedy of foreign-backed aggression, and the Sudanese people and army are the victims. Some want to exploit Sudan's critical moment to prepare for their interests in the aftermath of the war.

The efforts to put out the fire in Sudan have multiple motivations. There is “Egypt,” which sees Sudan as a southern extension of its history, identity and national security, and is trying to save its ship from sinking, for fear that its ship will sink. As for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, it has found in this war what it needs to achieve its interests, no matter how much its bill is, which the Sudanese will pay out of their own pockets.

Perhaps those who follow the efforts to put out the fire in Sudan will notice that at first the hope was that the war would end and the militias would return to the ranks of the state, after breaking the prestige of the Sudanese army. It became clear that the parties supporting the militias would realize their interests in the aftermath of the war.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia seeks to preserve its national security from attacks by the “Houthi” revolutionaries. It has money but lacks men. It has found what it needs in the “Al Daglo” militia. and a military presence, in order to ensure the flow of fighters to its territory.

From the first day of the war, the Saudi government took over the militia forces present on its territory, appointed “Muhammad Ismail Dagalo” as its commander, granted him the “Jizan” sector and worked on his training to increase his combat capabilities. All Saudi conspiracies were exposed by a “Janjawedi” who loves photography, or perhaps he meant “Daglo, expose the case.”

As for his ambassador to Sudan, he is a malicious man whose positions are similar to those of the Emirates. Since his appointment under the Al-Bashir regime, he has continued to penetrate Sudanese society. any social or political forum. He gathers around him an entourage of journalists who worship “Al-Riyal”. He founded a media machine used by local agents to relay the Saudi and Emirati position towards Sudan, by directing public opinion.

The Kingdom, like other dreamers, believed that the Sudanese state had fallen and that it had become easy to attack it, and after a year and a half, they were convinced that their beliefs were wrong.

A day will soon come when the guns will stop, and that day will not be far away, if only for nothing, because the war in Sudan has not only exhausted the “Al-Daglo” militias, but it has also exhausted and worn out the West as a whole.

And because it is; The question will remain after the arms stop. Do the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its ambassador believe that the Sudanese army will continue to defend its borders? Of course, this will not happen, and then you will find the “Houthi” revolutionaries in the palace of “Riyadh”.

The “Shiite Crescent” will start strangling its maritime borders again, when Iranian barges drop anchor in Sudanese territorial waters… soon.

Saudi Arabia, through its “suspect” ambassador, seeks to preserve its interests and those of its colonial ally, the United States, even if the price to pay is the remains of the Sudanese. the current tools, will not achieve its goal, because it is an administration that is leaving in the near future, and it has no other concern than to recover its papers until the beginning of next year, when it leaves the White House. , and nothing that it has practiced since its arrival in government positions indicates that it wishes to abandon the moral positions that we remind it of.

While the reality is that one administration is preparing to leave and another, unknown to us, is preparing to arrive, Washington's move in the Sudanese crisis is simply an attempt to attract voters.

The ambassador, who works in “two segments,” must know and inform his leaders that the Sudanese people, army and leaders have decided to resist and confront “American arrogance,” and that the Sudanese people, whose resistance runs in their blood, will not bow to anyone just because they sent relief planes carrying milk or bread to blackmail the conduct.

My love and respect

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