Second Commander of the 19th Infantry Division, the armed forces continue to defeat the rebellion on the instruction of the Sudanese people

The second commander of the 19th Merowe Infantry Division, Brigadier General Yasser Al-Siddiq Al-Amin Al-Bathani, ordered the commander of the Tanqasi sector of the Merowe locality mobilization and alert committee to organize the strategic company of Tanqasi.

While addressing a public meeting in Tangasi Fitna area of ​​the northern state, he confirmed that the armed forces continue to defeat the rebellion in accordance with the instructions of the Sudanese people, and added: “Why should we walk? in its place ?

His Excellency boasted of the gathering of the people around his army and celebrated the people of Marawi saying: “From Marawi the battle has begun and its end will be written.”

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