Secrets of Al-Burhan's visit to Juba – between the lines – ✍️ Zulnurain Nasraldin Al-Lawyer

Everyone was betting on the rapid support militia and its control over the power of Sudan due to the scale of the global conspiracy and the narrow belief in the weakness of Sudan and the defeat of its people, now that the matter has become clear and clear. the travels and history of the Sudanese army and people have been revealed to them, the language of soft diplomatic interests has begun to dominate through presidential visits to Port Sudan and delegations cross paths in sacrifices, supplications and invitations to open the horizons of relations and take. steps on the ground by showing good intentions and working to bring relations closer, and the language of “one people” between the two countries, all this is an implicit expression of “soft apologies” or, in our simple language (put down) after the militia cover was revealed.

Al-Burhan's visit to Juba came suddenly to achieve a number of gains and reap the fruits of the continuous work of some institutions and a summary of a number of secrets and previous intelligence agreements, the facts of which will soon emerge as evidence of the involvement of countries with conclusive material evidence that you will not be able to escape and which will bring changes in the regional and global reality and within international organizations.

In addition, the penetration of Sudanese diplomacy on global axes, military and economic gains and the large number of agreements and treaties it has concluded make these hostile countries “a light burden” in the coming days.

Al-Burhan presented serious files to Salva, including clarifying the participation of members of his government in supporting the militia and providing weapons and fighters to the militia in exchange for (……). Al-Burhan also carries yellow balls in his sleeve, which he may not need to show if the warning is verbal, indicating submission.

Many issues will also be discussed that will advance the stability of the two countries and develop joint action to realize the interests of both countries.

The arrangements for Al-Burhan's visit are a summary of the joint diplomatic work between Sudan and South Sudan, and one of Salva's ministers has the upper hand in bridging the gap and meeting between them.

Many countries supporting the militias will join this movement, forced, submissive and indifferent, for reasons imposed first by the transformations of the battles, then by the high-level joint professional and diplomatic intelligence, security and diplomatic work that history will not reveal soon, except through memoirs decades later.

The indicators of transformations in some countries in the region and the neighborhood mean that the war is coming to an end and that this is the end of the myth of the Rapid Support Forces and their political wing.

These proofs are an affirmation of the authenticity and patience of the Sudanese people and their bond with their armed forces, a proof of their unbreakable social bonds and a proof of their innocence in the face of expectations of collapse, fragmentation and a civil war that shamelessly exploited all its tools: labor, betrayal and mercenary exploitation.

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