Security and media are two sides of the same coin (and a twinning announcement between them)

Highlighting the strengthening of relations and the improvement of discussions on means of communication and joint cooperation and the establishment of trust between the security services and the media, the General Security and Intelligence Service (Shendi) organized on Sunday evening in the garden of the agency building a meeting and reception ceremony with people from culture and media of various specializations and colors in the presence of the leaders of the executive, security and media. The executive director of the locality of Shendi, Mr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, welcomed the meeting. great role played by the media and its personalities in supporting the battle for dignity and working as a team with the armed forces and security services to defeat the rebellion by all means, appreciating the efforts that were made to activate many levels and reflect the political, economic, investment, cultural and social activities of the locality, explaining that this was not done individually, but in cooperation and participation with the media, which was able to reflect the effort made and the bright face of the state and the locality. Abdul Ghaffar said that despite the challenges of the scene and working in harsh and difficult conditions, the media played its role fully and clearly in educating the community and mobilizing it to work alongside the locality and share social responsibility in all its forms, which created a strong and solid bond and communication between the locality and the community, which gave it the feeling of being part of the media system.

Stressing that the concern is one and shared by everyone, Khaled gave good news that victory is near (a few steps away) in reference to the return of immigrants to their homes, rejoicing in the victory supported by their armed forces, the security services, and the popular resistance, and to all those who took up arms with their pen or their weapon, and to all those who defended the homeland, wishing that peace and security prevail in all regions of Sudan.

For his part, the Director of the General Security and Intelligence Service in the locality of Shendi, Colonel Ahmed Farah, announced a twinning and partnership with the media. Welcome to the media tribe and its various institutions, including journalism, radio, television, theater, culture and others, stressing that security and the media are two sides of the same coin. Their common concern is to collect information. in order to publish, while security collects information to reproduce it to serve the cause of the country and maintain its security and stability.

His Excellency said that this meeting, which was held today, was supposed to take place several months ago with media professionals, explaining their concern over the challenges facing the country following the repercussions of the war and its outbreak in Sudan, indicating that their greatest concern is

He became responsible for ensuring and coordinating with the rest of the security services and regular forces to establish the pillars of security, protect the country, clean it and purify it from the filth of the rebellion and its dirty militias, indicating that the war has ended and victories are certain for all.

Farah called on the media and its citizens to propose a regular joint meeting to create continuous communication and achieve what is desired, including all categories of media and media professionals, on their behalf. And to erase the wrong image from the minds of some people, indicating that the security apparatus is one of the cultivators and guardians of the media, and not an apparatus of arrest and torture as people think, he thanks all those who attended and responded to the invitation, hoping to open the door to fruitful cooperation between the media and the Association of Expatriate Media Professionals in Shendi Locality, affirmed their readiness to support and implement any project and plan pushed by media professionals that aims at public interest and benefits all.

In a related context, the Director of the General Administration of Culture and Information, Mr. Babakir Al-Sayyed Al-Azraq, said that the media will remain the most powerful weapon with which the armed forces and security services fight side by side to refute rumors, security is everyone's business and awareness of social responsibility.

Al-Azraq said: “We are in the same trench and our concern is the same and common among us. He thanked the executive director and the intelligence services for their interest in the media, men and women, and in all matters that concern the Shindi.” community.

In the same context, the Chairman of the Association of Expatriate Media Professionals in Shendi, Mr. Elias Abdel Rahman Ali, praised this comprehensive meeting, which he considers the real core of cooperation and joint work between security and media, explaining that there are many points and issues on which there is convergence, the first governed by public policy and the second governed by total secrecy, promising the continued participation of the Media Association in cooperation and joint work with the government's executive and security agencies and all the various regulatory agencies and achieve the desired goal, describing the meeting as fruitful and useful.

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