Seed of Dignity… Harvest of Freedom (6) – Heroes, Not Politicians ✍️ Rashan O'Shea

The April 15 war revealed to the Sudanese the value of the homeland, the tragedy of homelessness and displacement, and therefore the value of a strong leader who enthusiastically interacts with the tragedy of the masses and their tragedy in their history, identity, security and stability.

The April 15 War revealed that a strong leader multiplies the brilliance of his country or conceals its fragility, curbs the desires of his enemies or repels their plots. It is an opportunity to show oneself and feel invincible, but also to reassure, she explained, the one who seizes a particular chapter of history is the leader who transforms himself into a soldier in an existential war to consolidate his legitimacy.

“Al-Tahir Ibrahim Al-Khair”, the governor of the island, gained a significant share of popularity because he linked his personal destiny to that of his people. He did not leave the state despite the fall of a significant part of it into the hands of the militias. He continued to fight with his people and his army to take revenge for his land and his people and to restore the image of the state shaken by the abuses of the citizens of the island.

It is not easy for a civilian leader to fight in the ranks of the national army and always strive to mobilize popular resistance for the battle of liberation. He seems to be the kind of man who cannot bear to lose, a strong and capable man. to lead his people.

Militias have spread over much of his territory, but he has managed to maintain his authority and provide basic services over a geographical area that was not beyond his control. He has even made the impossible possible by making the agricultural season a success with transportation projects. He spends his time happily with the love and support of his people.

“Ahmed Othman Hamza”, the governor of Khartoum, is a dangerous and brilliant player who knows how to exploit the assets of his authority, which he acquired thanks to his firmness with his people under the bombings and armed clashes for a year and a half. He did not escape himself, as the governor of Sennar did during the fall of the state capital, “Singa”, which he quickly left for Port Sudan.

“Hamza” responded to the Khartoum Nakba and the Sea of ​​Destruction by expanding the scope of his duties in a burning area. Despite the bombing and fighting, the areas controlled by the National Army in Khartoum State are provided with electricity, water, internet services and the availability of food products. The greatness of this leader lies in his insistence on thwarting the idea of ​​assassinating the capital.

Khartoum is an important city in the Sudanese state and, since independence, it has remained a centre of political decision-making. That is why Hamza understood in the aftermath of the outbreak of war that the victory of Sudan would depend on the firmness of the capital, even part of it; and he exploited the situation with determination and without hesitation.

The current crisis has shown that there are different types of leaders. Just as there is a coward who loves the glamour of power, even if he is confined to a housing estate in another city, there is someone who is capable of preventing his country from sinking into the abyss.

My love and respect

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