Sennar is safe and reassured…and Sudan will not be attacked by him…so fight the rumors…and say as Muhammad Abdel-Hay said: I am among you, your wound is my wound …and your strength is my strength – from behind the scenes – ✍️ Bushra Bashir

The Shiverers spread their poison and rumors of the fall of the city of Sennar. The rumor spread like wildfire, but the people of Sennar persevered, and the trembling suffered with grief and remorse. , and Al-Sabunab, and the land of kings and shuttles. It won't be easy prey for the Rapid Support thugs to get hold of. As one of the Funj kings said, Sennar is guarded and protected by Indian eggs. and a seal with “We are the kings and you are the subjects”.

Yes, Sennar is guarded by these young men who sacrificed their blood for the soil of the Blue Sultanate.

And Sinnar, as the poet Muhammad Abd al-Hay says in his series of poems, Return to Sinnar:

I will return today, Sennar, when the dream makes trees grow under the water of the night

I will return today, Sinar, where the symbol is a thread of black radiance between the peaks and the foothills, the forest and the desert, the ripe fruit and the old root.

You are my language and my source that shelters my stars

Open Sennar's guards and open the city gates to those who return tonight

Open to the returnee: Badawi, you don't do it

From the land of Zanj: No

I'm one of you who's lost and starting to sing for the man again

Until he came and said:

And I have witnessed how thundering serpents leap

When the waves of smoke spit foam

A green corpse in the sand, glowing in the dark

and say:

I am among you, your wound is my wound and your strength is my strength

Then, O servant of the living, be assured that the gates of Sennar are guarded, and that the army of Sennar has leaped like serpents and destroyed the serpents.

The big challenge remains how to combat rumor, which has become a weapon that kills citizens more than bullets coming out of gun barrels.

The state has no other way than to pay attention to the media and to possess information for the media. He must create press rooms to combat and refute rumors, rooms which announce the victories of the army and war correspondents to transmit information from the scenes of the conflict. This is what the militia continued to do with its halls that spread poisons, spread rumors and sow panic in the souls of people, and through my life, the citizen himself, it helps to transmit these rumors and this misleading news.

The citizen must be the media and the slogan of all of us

War is patience and reunion is stability

Death, in the case of God, is life

So be patient, be patient, victory is coming, and victory is only the patience of an hour

We will come back

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