Sennar Ya Burhan Axe – Whale spine – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, we are addressing you in your capacity as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and in your capacity as President of the Sovereign Council and responsible for the initial and final signing of the affairs of the country I. I will tell you about the Sennar Operational Axis. I will not tell you about the displacement of tens of thousands of families. I will not tell you about the suffering of the citizens. I will not tell you about the fall of Sinja and. Dinder. And the Suki and the looting of their property. I will not tell you about the fall of Al-Dali and Al-Mazmum, but I will tell you about the fall of the 17th Infantry Division, the fall of the 267th Brigade. and the fall of the 268th Brigade. I will not tell you about the fall of Jabal Muwayya and other military garrisons. As a military institution, do you not have doubts about the strategy with which your leadership is dealing with this axis? Why did your forces not advance towards the enemy during this entire period? On the contrary, there were withdrawals from areas that gave the militias an advantage in terms of movement and advancement and occupation of areas that are extremely difficult to take, such as the city of Sinja, Dinder and other areas. Have you not reviewed the performance of your leadership in this axis, knowing that the fall of a division and two garrisons in Sennar should be a matter of concern. The highest level of military leadership is represented by the Sudanese army? A command authority and an accountability or investigation committee have not even been formed on the fall of the seventeenth division, as happened after the fall of the first division*.

*Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan. Seven and a half months have passed since the formation of the movement to liberate Wad Madani from the city of Sennar. During this period, no movement has been taken to liberate Wad Madani. in the state of Sennar, and the security department has become within the borders of the city of Sennar only, with the fall of all parts of the locality of Sinnar, except Mayerno as an administrative unit, and it can be said that the limits of your leadership capabilities in this movement have stopped at this limit of combat capabilities, despite the repeated visits of Your Excellency and your deputy, Shams al-Din Kabashi, Ibrahim Jaber, Yasser al-Atta, and Malik Aqar. It is certain that you will be enlightened on the course. of the battle in the Sennar axis, and as soon as one of you takes off, the fall of one of the sites is announced, the most recent being your visit to Sennar, which was followed by the fall of Sinja, as if the militia were sticking out a tongue of jubilation to you and confirming the inaccuracy of the clarifications you received during your visits*.

*Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, now the State Security Department of Sennar has become the limit of the area of ​​​​presence of the military leaders only, and the citizen who has not yet been displaced has prepared for the worst. possibility, which is the fall of the city, which began to repel only the attacks of the militias, without even there being hostilities, despite the availability of all military capabilities. We do not fear for your military command in the city of Sennar the fate of. Major General Yasser Fadlallah or the fate of Major General Ayoub Abdel Qader, but rather we fear for them that the city of Sennar will be handed over with the key and withdrawal (Sayyij if they are martyred there, it is their duty, and). if they withdraw from it, it is a catastrophe of disasters, and the one who advanced the liberation of Wad could be called a civilian withdrawn from Sennar*.

*Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan Military and operational necessity requires that you personally lead the operations of the Sennar axis or your deputy, Lieutenant General Shams al-Din Kabashi, to preserve what remains of the geographical area of ​​the Sennar State until the Blue Nile region is preserved from the fall, while confirming confidence in your current leadership, but the presence of one of you in the Sennar axis will change the course of the battles in Sennar, and the strategies and tactics of the Military College, the Jebet courses and the Command and Staff College cannot be limited to a withdrawal for defense purposes only. Your action must take place today before tomorrow, otherwise the battle scenarios will multiply*.

Half a fork

*Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, first corner, do not let your line on the page of history end with the fall of Sennar. History has been written about Abdullah Jamaa, Amara Dunqas and Sheikh Farah Wad Taktuk, and their memory has been immortalized, so do not erase this history and realize what is left of Sennar before you surrender or withdraw*.

A quarter of a fork

*Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, first corner, there is no good for us in you if we do not speak to you the word of truth, and there is no good for you in us if you do not hear it from us*.

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