Series of negotiations and continuous violations – the share is the homeland – ✍️ Ahmed Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Shindi

I extend a patriotic greeting to all my compatriots, a people of sincere patriotism, who have not changed or changed despite the kindling of the flames of war and the flames of our people through the violations and barbaric practices perpetrated by the terrorist Dagalo militia, supported by the agents and spies of the shameless embassies, all of whom represent the role of agents in the implementation of the evil global plan In the clutches of the children of Zion, the small state of the devil of the Arabs, the son of Naqs and the strongman of. global arrogance

This poisonous plan is clear to any wise person that aims to destabilize Sudan and fragment its state into powerless states after plundering its resources and wealth and erasing its identity by displacing its population to replace it with Arabs from the diaspora and mercenaries imported from African countries and the Bedoons, so that the world becomes on its map so that one cannot find the continental state of Sudan.

Now, after the failure of the conspiracy through the illusions of democracy and civil state, which is one of the ways to deceive the Sudanese people, they thought that by starting the war they would get what they were looking for, but they were disappointed, so they were lenient with the Geneva negotiations demanded by the United States of America. We thought that they would receive a very quick response, but what happened has now plunged them into a state of extreme confusion, especially after the arrival of the Russian alliance. in the picture

America and its allies now have the story of Al-Sabra, who fell into the trap, and say: God willing, it is a dream…………..

We tell them that it is a fact: the world is no longer subject to a single force, there are now two camps, so the options have become open. Moreover, the language of interests has become paramount in the interaction and relations between the countries of the world.

But if we move on to discussing the negotiations, this is an aspect that requires the implementation of the results of everything that preceded Geneva, including the Jeddah agreement, and then we move on to new negotiations. It is not reasonable for us to talk about a round of negotiations under American sponsorship in Geneva while the rebel militias continue their war and leave defenseless citizens in their villages, neighborhoods and cities. So is this logical?

We say to the militia leaders and the bastards: take the compensation and leave it for the goat. This hadith is taken from an anecdote known to most Sudanese.

Therefore, anyone who wants to talk about negotiations must link this to stopping all attacks carried out by the Hemedti militia in all regions of Sudan against the Sudanese people, and then come and talk to us about negotiations.

This is the logic of the conversation, but who is listening????

All those who want us to go to Geneva have interests and objectives, some of which are apparent and most of which are hidden, as happened with their fabricated revolution that brought us to this deteriorating situation in which we are currently living, and from there we tell them that a believer is not bitten twice, and that the Sudanese people have learned their lesson and will not be deceived again.

There is no negotiation given the continuing violations committed by the criminal Hemedti militia at the Fil-Stop point.

The victory has shown its characteristics and the formation of alliances has appeared publicly, so it will be of no use to America to recognize that General Al-Burhan is the head of the Transitional Sovereignty Council and that he will be invited and treated. We say to these people that what you are admitting now was said by the holder of the inherent right and the real mandate, the Sudanese people, since they overthrew their insolence and their mandate to manage the transition until we achieve security.

But now, after the outbreak of war, the Sudanese street has affirmed it, not by renewing the mandate, but by uniting with the army in popular resistance, in which money, men and movements have been paid to liberate the entire pure land of Sudan from the filth and filth of all the rebel Janjaweed militias and all the embassy agents, sons of shameless spies.

Thank you, men of our sacrificial armed forces – our regular security forces, the proud Sudanese police and the mujahideen who are responsible for the cause, and you offer your lives and sacrifices as a sacrifice for your religion and your homeland.

We ask God for the victorious victory of our forces and the destruction of all those who caused the outbreak of war, from the criminal militia of Dagalo to the agents of the embassy spies, Bani Qaht, accept the martyrs, heal the wounded, release the prisoners and return the missing to their families safely, O Lord of the worlds.

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