Sessions of the conference on health services development in Eastern Sudan states continue with the participation of experts, specialists and stakeholders

Participants in the conference on the development of health services in the three eastern states of Sudan, today Wednesday, with the product Arquette, called for the need to unify official and popular efforts and direct them towards strengthening and developing the health system to achieve a flexible system that responds to health changes in the region, stressing the importance of attracting and directing support and material and technical contributions from international and local donors, philanthropists and businessmen for various health projects, and called for the mobilization of society and its various activities to contribute effectively to the development of health services and to maximize the participation of the private health sector in health projects.

The working papers dealt with the health and epidemiological situation in the three eastern states, the epidemiological situation, ways to combat it, programs to improve community health and prospects for improvement. Each of the planning directors of the three states presented it. in the first session, and focused on the health and epidemiological situation, as well as the provision of health and specialized services D. Babiker Al-Maqbool, consultant epidemiologist, former director general of the General Department of Emergencies and Epidemic Control at the Ministry of Health, the situation of epidemics in eastern Sudan and ways to combat them. Ismat Mustafa and the rapporteur of the session, Dr. Sur Ohaj Ali.

The second extraordinary session on the functioning of health facilities was chaired by Professor Issam Al-Khader and the rapporteur of the session, Dr. Sumaya Muhammad Obaidullah and the Director of Basic Health Care in Red Sea State presented his document on the coverage and services of basic health care centers, while the Director of the National Health Insurance Fund discussed in his document on comprehensive health coverage in eastern Sudan the reality and aspirations, while the Director of Human Resources in Kassala State presented in his document Resources A healthy humanity and the means to maintain it.

The third session focused on the rehabilitation and development of health institutions, chaired by Dr. Badr al-Din Araki and the rapporteur of the session, Mr. Awad Wadaa, discussed in depth the document on projects for the development of services in hospitals in the region, presented by the Director of Hospital Administration of the Federal Ministry of Health, Dr. Haider Abdel Nabi, while the Director of the Department of Therapeutic Medicine at the Ministry of Health in Gedaref State, presented projects for the localization of subspecialties in eastern Sudan, Dr. Bashir Al-Nour Al-Bashir, and the Director of the General Department of Pharmacy at the Federal Ministry of Health, Dr. Najm Al-Din Al-Majzoub, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Supply “Feasibility and Possibilities”, while the Director of the Information Technology Department at the Federal Ministry of Health, Musab Rahma Al-Sheikh, presented digital applications and their impact on the development of the health system and facilitating services to patients.

It is worth noting that the objective of the conference is to confirm the health partnership and the various efforts to support it on the part of international communities, friendly and brotherly countries, associations and international organizations working in the health sector.

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