Shameless fugitives and immoral speeches… Escape is your approach. Won't you see…!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas See More

Some of the impudent ones who spoke of what they called (the flight) of the knight Dr Nafee Ali Nafee to Turkey should have gone back a little in their memories of the devastation at the beginning of the war, to look at the scenes of the shameless flight of (leaders and symbols) to land passages or to planes (evacuating foreign nationals, and refreshed their memory by seeing (Baki) on the stairs of the plane, begging to be deported abroad). those who have earned the (ridicule) of the people towards them, for how those who put their hands in the hands (of the dead), the leader of the rebellion, and planned with him the war, preaching about it, and then starting, that they should flee and not be on the ground of (fighting) or at least (stay) inside Sudan, not that they should be the first to (turn around) Who, I wonder, deserves to be (reprimanded for). fleeing), are you, you shameless ones, or the chivalrous symbol Dr Nafi Ali Nafi who surrendered (voluntarily) and was admitted to Cooper prison with the rest of the rescue symbols of 2019, and they remained there until the time the war broke out..?!!*

*This is one of the (products) of the shameless propaganda that they spread to console their (alienation) from themselves, following the failure of their (destructive) project that they brought to the homeland, heavy with consequences. (lies) with which they (feed) their gullible supporters for a while since the laughing stock (64 billion) that they said the Kizan had hidden in Malaysia, then what they published (a list) of names of Islamists who said. that each of them possessed (millions of dollars), then the empty slogan (the ruin of 30 years), and the heresies of the poorly mentioned persecution committee, and other (propaganda assets) lies of Al-Qahtawi. And when they did it. did not derive any (political benefit) from it and left without regret with all their stinking heritage, they found in other (fables) like the lie of Dr. Nafi's escape, an alternative to their deadly (desolation) entertainment, while they were sitting on the edges of the cemetery of their misguided era..!!

*All the chapters of false and biased propaganda, they see it before them as it suffered (damage and fires), and the latter joins its sisters in the (wrecks) of the political project of their miserable era. nature of those who rushed to the passages (under the darkness), leaving behind the bastards of their ally to rebel (licking defeat) Ali The hand of our young army, so have a little modesty, you insolent ones, before making chance. accusations or making random noises .. !!*

*We will write and write…!!!*

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