Shaybah…fire in all directions – Mawazanat – ✍️ Al-Tayeb Al-Makabrabi

For the second time, in about a month or two, I listened to a video clip that was broadcast on various websites. The speaker was Brother Shaybah Dirar, Commander of the Eastern Alliance Forces. In both recordings, Brother Shaybah delivered a speech that was neither appropriate nor similar to someone who speaks on behalf of the people of the East, known to all the people of Sudan, with chastity of hand, tongue, magnanimity and generous hospitality. Welcoming people and guests, in fact, they know that they are the origin of many Sudanese tribes as a result of the intermarriage that occurred between them, that is, the Beja and the Arabs who entered Sudan through the eastern gate…

In his first clip, which I mentioned, Brother Shaybah attacked the people of the North and the Nile and identified the areas and cities whose people he accused of not standing up to the enemy. Then he quickly retracted and apologized…

In his second and final section, he first addressed all the people of Sudan who went to the East to seek refuge after the Janjaweed occupied their homes and villages and expelled them without resources. They did not even have anything to cover their personal needs. sometimes and to protect themselves from the heat of the sun and the cold of winter. Many of them were women, children and elderly people, so it was shameful for them to leave their areas and come to… the East.

In his speech, Shaybah accuses everyone of cowardice, treason and of fleeing to the East for a while… because he says they will flee to Egypt, Turkey and other countries of God…

At the end of his speech, Brother Shaybah sent signals to those he called those who were neutral until recently, and that there was discrimination against these people, according to what people understood from his speech.

What no Sudanese expects is for a leader like Shaibah to refrain from hosting those who need shelter in his country and those who seek safety in this place. He and all the people have seen how the cities initially welcomed those fleeing Khartoum from the war, and how they provided them with food and drink and set up tents for them to rest. Then, continue marching for whoever you want.

Shaybah's letters to his compatriots who were afflicted by the fire of war present a face incompatible with the positions of a leader. A leader is one who bears more than he can bear and confirms that he is a leader and a leader who does not. focuses on small things and does not whisper and nudge those who know very well that they are now in his home and expect his honor, blessings and protection from his people in Eastern Sudan.

In his last part, Brother Shaybah refers to what he interprets as his dissatisfaction with the government's treatment of him and his forces, just as it treated the forces of the signatories of the Gaoya peace agreement, and its discrimination against them rather than his forces, or its discrimination against him as well as the commander of a military force in eastern Sudan.

What prevents Brother Shaybah from entering the battle as well as the neutrals did until recently, as he said, and what prevents the government from distinguishing him as a leader as well as his forces if they decide to enter as fighters alongside the army and other supporting forces??

We do not expect the government to delay in granting Shaybah and his forces the distinction and privileges they deserve, just as it grants those who fight in the ranks of the army, some of whom are volunteers who only ask to liberate the country from the invaders.

What we expect from Chief Shaybah and the elders of our people in the East is that he stops, like the speech of Brother Shaybah, who is trying to tell people that the East is oriental and you will regret coming there, and that this Sudan must be divided like this, and each leader controls what follows.

May God help everyone

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