Shendi: An eye camp targeting 4,000 cases and 500 operations

Shendi University, in cooperation with vision institutions, organizes the largest eye camp targeting more than four thousand cases with examination, treatment and allocation of glasses. The camp performs more than 500 eye operations in cases that require it.

Chairman of the Shendi University Council, Engineer Al-Muatasem Ibrahim, said during his meeting with the Executive Director of Shendi Locality, Khaled Abdul Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, that the camp would open its doors at the beginning next month and would continue for some time. week, and that the technical and administrative arrangements for the establishment of this camp have been finalized, and that a team including a certain number of ophthalmologists and a certain number of technicians will arrive in Shendi in the coming days.

Al-Mu'tasem Ibrahim added that the establishment of Al-Ayoun camp, established by Shendi University in cooperation with Al-Basr Foundation, which is the largest camp ever seen in the country, is part of as part of the university's mission to serve the community and strengthen cooperation with institutions working in the charitable medical field by opening windows with them in order to serve the citizen.

Al-Moatasem Ibrahim, Chairman of the Shendi University Council, called on citizens to make the most of this camp, which has significant and distinguished potential in ophthalmology.

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