Shendi Executive: Development of health and medical facilities contributes to national economic health

The Executive Director of Shindi Locality, Khaled Abdul Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, said that the development of health and medical facilities and increasing their number contributes to the national economy, as it targets human resources, which are the fundamental factor of development and accommodates the largest number of people in need of such medical services.

He said this during the opening of Al-Tohamy Hospital in the presence of a number of executive, military and popular leaders and medical workers.

He said Shindi has emerged as an investment destination in the fields of medical and industrial services, businesses and for those seeking work and care.

He stressed that Shindi today presents a new medical facility with high medical specifications in terms of equipment, medical personnel and comprehensive specializations, and it is considered a real addition to the locality, the state and Sudan.

He stressed that Shendi locality does not depend on the security situation and continues to normalize civilian life despite the war conditions and the security situation, and continues to provide services in various fields, starting and ending the academic year at all levels. He studied in general education and higher education, worked on developing health services and increasing work capacity, organized many programs to support the armed forces, and had the right to initiate the establishment of the camps of dignity and popular resistance.

Meanwhile, the representative of the Al-Tahami family, Khaled Al-Haj Al-Tahami, expressed his hope that this building would be a real addition in providing services at an advanced level.

He stressed that the success achieved in Omdurman through the provision of therapeutic services through Tohamy medical institutions in a number of branches during the pre-war period was an impetus for the transfer of this experience.

Khaled Al-Hajj Al-Tahami said that the establishment of this hospital in Shendi is a kind of return to the city in which we learned, and we hope that this building will be one of the buildings of Sudan and that it will be a beacon for Shendi and the people of Shendi.

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