Shendi Executive: Local Militia Rumors About Shendi Die Down Within Local Boundaries

The executive director of Shendi locality and chairman of the security committee, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, refuted the rumors produced by the militia's newsrooms and spread by the media on social media sites, and said that these rumors die within the borders of the locality because the current reality denies them.

Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh confirmed that Shindi is safer than ever and said that despite this security, programs to prepare mobilizers and arm the popular resistance continue in all local areas, especially in areas where shooting is expected or in places from where some militia members could infiltrate.

Addressing the celebration organized by the Media Department for the elderly of Dar Al-Dawu Al-Hajjouj in Bahri, hosted by Shendi, he highlighted the strong cohesion between the people and the armed forces, represented by the convoys of support and support, the massive response to the first and second camps of Al-Karama and the great rush to join the popular resistance and work in the bases, defenses and frontline positions.

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