Shendi: Expanding the scope of spraying operations against flies and mosquitoes in areas flooded by rainwater

The circle of spraying operations against flies and mosquitoes has been expanded in all areas flooded by rainwater throughout the locality.

Spraying operations were organized in all administrative units of the locality, which were provided with pesticides, machines and other sanitary aids, with an increase in the number of workers in these campaigns.

In the northern areas of Shendi, which have experienced heavy rains in recent days, the administrative unit, headed by the director of the unit, Abdullah Muhammad Ahmed, has intensified spraying operations against mosquitoes and flies in the areas of Shaqalwa, Al-Musayyab, Al-Musikatab and Al-Tarajima areas. The director of the unit said that the work continues daily, even on holidays, Fridays and Saturdays.

He said efforts are continuing to cover the larger target area to eliminate mosquito and fly breeding sites. Especially as northern Shendi has experienced the highest rainfall rates.

In addition, the administrative head of the land port, transit and corn market area, Rasha Abboud, is carrying out intensive campaigns in these areas that experience water accumulations every autumn due to the natural decline in the area, in addition to the large numbers of citizens there.

For her part, the director of the health department of Shindi locality, Samia Othman, said that her administration was able to provide an estimated quantity of pesticides for spraying operations against mosquitoes and flies, and that the different administrative units were working intensively in the targeted areas.

Samia Othman called for activating community partnership in spraying campaigns and attracting popular leaders and community symbols to lead these campaigns led by the local community in all its administrative units.

Samia Othman stressed the importance of health awareness and proper waste management for all age groups in society, as it is an essential and decisive factor in eliminating mosquitoes and flies in residential sites, and it is an important and required role.

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