Shendi: Largest tournament for Sunni sports academies and schools in Nile State launched

The Department of Youth and Sports in Shendi locality organizes the largest tournament for Sunni sports academies and schools in Nile State, under the patronage of the Minister of Youth and Sports in Nile State, Louay Mustafa, and under the supervision of the Ministry of Youth and Sports in Shendi locality. Executive Director of Shendi locality, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh.

Ten teams are participating in this tournament, divided into two groups: Shendi Academy, Youth Academy, Square Academy (17), Al-Nahda Academy, Al-Qulaya Academy, Defence Academy, Quraish Academy, Sardiah Stars Academy, Commando Academy and Obour Academy.

Director of Shindi Youth and Sports Department Muzammil Sayed Ahmed Abdel Rahman said that this tournament aims to commemorate the martyrs of the Battle of Karama, and comes in memory of those who sacrificed their lives for Sudan and in sacrifice to preserve the identity and sovereignty of the nation.

Director of the Youth and Sports Department, Shindi, said that this course, which includes ten teams from Sunni sports academies and schools, is an experiment proposed by Shindi to train players of international standards to support the national teams and excellent clubs that compete at the level of Sudan.

Muzamil stressed that Sunni sports academies and schools are the ones that create a new generation of players, enriched with knowledge and culture in football.

The Director of the General Administration of Youth and Sports in Shendi Locality, Muzammil Sayed Ahmed Abdel Rahman, said that this work provided by the administration comes to strengthen the role of Shendi locality in presenting ideas, initiatives and new innovative projects, which have become a unique characteristic and a trademark that distinguishes Shendi locality and advances it in the localities of the Nile State and even beyond all the localities of Sudan.

For his part, the Secretary General of Sunni Sports Academies and Schools, Captain (M), said that all arrangements have been made for the launch of the Battle of Martyrs of Dignity course. Ten teams participated after some academies delayed in registering after the start of the lottery ceremony.

Al-Kalis confirmed that the large number of academy teams confirms that the attention paid to the good foundations of young players and budding players continues in a scientific manner.

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