Shendi National Security and Intelligence Service holds parade to show strength

Shendi, April 21, 2024: ZulNet

The National Security and Intelligence Service of the locality of Shendi carried out a parade of force, in cooperation with the intelligence services of the region, with the participation of the Executive Director of the locality of Shendi, Mr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al -Sheikh.

**Powerful message:**

The parade column sent a strong message confirming the readiness of the National Security and Intelligence Service, regional intelligence and other regular agencies to liberate the country of Sudan from the rebellion.

**Wide participation:**

The parade received a large participation of members of the National Security and Intelligence Service and regional intelligence, in addition to a number of military and security leaders.

**Emphasis on national unity:**

The parade emphasized national unity and cohesion among the Sudanese people, the National Security and Intelligence Service and other regular agencies in the face of rebellion.

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