Shendi: Popular resistance distributes sacrifices to defenses and bases

For two days, the Shindi People's Resistance distributed a number of sheep and calves in several bases, defenses and training centers, sharing the joy of Eid for the soldiers, mobilizers and the Armed People's Resistance, l 'Eid. Al-Adha.

The deputy leader of the Popular Resistance in the locality of Shendi, Abdul Latif Muhammad Ahmed Akar, said after inspecting the Mustafarib forces in their positions, accompanied by a number of members of the Popular Resistance, that a number of Eid sacrifices had been distributed to a number of people. bases north and south of Shendi.

Akar saluted the mobilized personnel who were stationed in these localities far from their families on this happy day.

Deputy leader of the Popular Resistance in Shindi, Abdul Latif Akar, added that those mobilized in these positions embody the meaning of redemption and sacrifice for the good of religion and the homeland and apply it in its meaning. The highest.

Akar called for caution because the enemy is hiding in Sudan and its people, and they are waiting for the opportunity to attack any site, no matter how small, for media and political gain.

He said that the popular resistance is ready for any development, because its primary objective is to defend the homeland and repel aggression.

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