Shendi: Popular resistance is the beginning of security, political and social change in the country

The leader of the popular resistance in Nile State, Lieutenant General Mahjoub Hassan Saad, announced that the popular resistance is the beginning of political, security and social change in Sudan after the unsuccessful attempts to erase the identity Sudanese by the enemies and their collaborators. at home.

Saad added during a briefing provided by the popular resistance in southern Shendi, in the Qlayaat region, that this war targets the Sudanese citizen and primarily targets the country's resources, and that the country must be defended and its citizens and resources preserved.

He stressed that the Sudanese people are not weak so that countries can attack them, and that they are capable of defending their country.

He stressed that the Popular Resistance authorizes the Armed Forces to manage the entire transition period until it establishes a national rule free from betrayal and exploitation.

In the same sense, the leader of the Popular Resistance of South Shendi, Muhammad Abdel-Wahab Wad al-Assad, called on young people to go to the training grounds and called on those who have the means to spend money to buy weapons, because time is passing. let us no longer allow inaction and waiting, and let the enemy be at the gates and watch for everyone.

Popular Resistance member Al-Hameem Al-Jili said that jihad is a religious duty before being a national duty, and that the religious issue is clear in this case. Go forward, light or heavy, and prepare against them no matter what. force it, you can.

He highlighted the attention paid to the number of fighters and fighters and their qualifications at all stages of the war and after the war.

The South Shendi Popular Resistance began meetings to enlighten citizens throughout the southern region, and these meetings began in the Qlayaat region.

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