Shikan locality: precautions and precautionary and preventive measures to reduce the risks of autumn ✍️ Al-Fatih Abu Monsef

The great efforts made by the locality of Shikan through a number of activities and programs come from the fact that it is aware of its role of service towards its citizens in many aspects of the service, and the emergency plan of This year's fall has come with anticipation, caution and growth. interest of the locality so that citizens are not harmed, because the locality has carried out remarkable activity in terms of opening… Cleaning of pipes and waterways, transport of accumulations of waste and removal of rubble so that rainwater can flow easily and without any health, technical or environmental problems. Shame.

In its efforts to maintain the sanitary, environmental and technical situation, the local government held a series of meetings with relevant ministries and a number of institutions. There was also a meeting in which a large number of organizations participated in the presence of the humanitarian community. Aid Commissioner in the context of activating the role of partnerships and mobilizing energies to prepare for the fall, and the fall emergency plan was adopted in a scientific matrix, in which participated the competent authorities of the departments concerned.

Chikan, as always, stoked the stagnation and broke the devil's eye, and began to implement the plan. The sewers and drains of Khareef witnessed a lot of work in opening and cleaning the drains, besides removing rubble and transporting accumulations of waste. The starting point was the central area of ​​the Grand White Market, and the geographical area expanded to the activity area of ​​the Khareef emergency room, where The western region included *(Khor Souq Rakouna)* in which a lot of work was carried out with the participation of machines in the transport, moving and opening operations of the bank. These steps and efforts garnered praise, interaction and approval from all, especially citizens who appreciated the great role played by the locality of Sheikan towards its citizens, and what a visit. The Eid al-Adha Emergency Committee, headed by the Secretary General of the State Government for Rakona Market Area, praised the Khareef Emergency Room in Shikan locality , emphasizing the importance of providing services to citizens by the locality.

Sheikan's fall emergency workspace also included continuing large-scale, high-energy work and regular field trips by directors of infrastructure services, health affairs, hygiene authority, as well as administration directors and their There is also a local Sheikan executive body, as well as close monitoring and continuous presence on the ground in monitoring the work of implementing the plan, depending on their responsibility. and Khor Souq Abu Ashtara have witnessed intensive efforts under the fall contingency plan operations, and work continues to include all targeted fragile areas and streams.

The professional and preventive programs, activities and precautions undertaken by the Shikan locality during the fall emergency are taking place under exceptional security and economic circumstances and conditions. Despite this, the locality continued to carry out its service tasks based on the reality of its responsibility and according to its limits. capacities and resources, which requires concerted efforts and provision of support and support from all official and community agencies and organizations for greater stability and to avoid disasters and emergencies.

Everyone must do their part and see themselves through their participation in this great work. The work to be done is enormous, time is short, available resources are limited and the citizen is waiting. We must all rush to support the project. efforts and provide the mechanisms, fuel and pesticides needed to control disease vectors in anticipation of health emergencies and epidemics. The message is particularly addressed to the honorable citizen regarding the need to avoid disposal and discharge of waste into drains and drains. .

*”Prevention is better than cure”*

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