Shindi between the threats of the Janjaweed and the generosity of autumn ✍️ Ahmed Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Shindi

I extend my greetings to all my compatriots who are writing and sharing the news, concerned about Shindi. The reason is its strategic position as a target of the rebel militias, who have placed it under the prism of their incendiary media machine. The fire has been intensified by the threats of invasion by the Janjaweed, which have reached the point where one of the spokesmen of their media evil has declared that if they had to choose between Shindi and Paradise, they would have chosen Shendi.
We say to this perishable trumpet: You will not harm Shindi, for it is guarded by men who block the eyes of the sun and before it are the supplications of the righteous among the worshipers of the mosques. As for Paradise, with this declaration of yours, we say to you that the servant speaks the word but does not care about it, so you throw him into the fire of Hell for seventy years, and this is your inevitable fate, the result of the harvest of your acts of murder – plunder. – Rape – Intimidation and displacement of citizens from their homes and destruction of public and private property.
Shendi is one of the most striking pages in its history. It is the land of the Pasha's holocaust, and its people are now ready to repeat other holocausts for all those who ask or speak to desecrate its soil. of deeds, not of words or declarations.
Wise people who understood the matter and went to the leadership of the 3rd Infantry Division, Shendi. We hope that the voluntary transfer program will continue because after that, what happened will happen.
From here, I send a message to the concerned and specialized people, conveying a conversation that is circulating strongly through the pens and voices of Shindawi Street regarding the issue of prisoners who are inside the detention centers. Settle this file today before tomorrow. so that the obsession stops and does not become a subject of commentary for the misguided media that have actually started to exaggerate the issue to take advantage of it within the framework of the media battle that they are waging by managing it within the framework of the war file, of which the media is one of its sides.
Yes, the prisoner issue is now one of the greatest security threats that requires a rapid and decisive response. It is a temporary bomb directly linked to the sleeper cell threat.
Fix the problem by dealing with this matter urgently, urgently, urgently.
As for autumn, it is a season of blessings, there is no doubt about it, but it can turn into a disaster if we do not deal with it in the required manner, and from what we have seen through the rains that have occurred, the matter requires urgent treatment so that we do not reach the stage of disasters.
The way to deal with the case requires a pause and organized steps to address the negative aspects of what happened there, so as not to cry over spilled milk and say, “I wish,” and then regret will no longer be necessary. use.
I sincerely hope that we will find an urgent response to both issues from those concerned and specialists, because we are in a race until we reach the desired goal, God willing.
Victory to our armed forces. Urgent recovery of the wounded and release of the captives. Restore security and safety in all regions of Sudan, O Lord of the worlds.