Shindi… Eid has arrived and you are close – Masarat – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdeen

Even if the artist with the beautiful voice is Nour Al-Jilani, when he sings his well-known song (Eid has come and you are far away), then it is the song that touches the hearts of the Sudanese people as 'he welcome Eid. Each of these Sudanese has a loved one who was not present during the days of Eid, for many reasons, including travel, expatriation, or death. Or something else, this compassionate song expresses all these people as they. remember their loved ones who were away on Eid. Eid came this year and (the war) separated the father and his children, the man and his wife, the neighbor and his neighbor, the friend and his friend.

Families have been separated between cities at home and abroad, and some of them have been dispersed between shelters even within the (a) city, and Shendi is the (a) city that has received thousands of arrivals distributed between accommodation centers. and homes, and Eid came to them with a (different) taste and (other than) flavor to which they were accustomed. The song of Nour Al-Jilani (Eid has come and you are far away) did not capture their imagination, because the manager Shendi was close to them and others, congratulating them on Eid, offering them (congratulations) and wishing them the best (wishes) for the return of peace and security for all the Sudanese people, and for the wheel of life to return with a different understanding, because the lesson that the Sudanese people learned from this war was enough to restore the accounts “again”, and for “good” government to have prevailed among them, with justice predominating and shaded by “lasting” love.

Yes, Shendi's manager was close to these people. The executive director of the locality of Shendi, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, was present in the reception centers, shaking hands with men and holding children, and his calls followed girls and women. so that everyone goes home. The wounded from the operations shared their joy of Eid while they were far (from the trenches) and (from their families) he shared (wishes) (hopes) for a long time, called the families in need. live well, and I saw the good news among the families of the martyrs waving joy and happiness.

Likewise, the executive director spent his day offering congratulations and distributing both material and moral wishes. The commander of the 3rd Infantry Division in Shindi, Major General Hamdan Abdul Qader Daoud, was present among the soldiers who did not need command to guard the area. He shared their joy and did not deprive them of the voice of the “sheep”. The voices of the “sheep” rose above the walls of Al-Qashlaq and other houses that had an “antidote” within the family. of a martyr, a marabout, a muhtasib and a cut-off man, carrying the good news between their sides, and eyes spared by the fire, an eye that cried from the veil of God (An eye) that spent the night (guarding). for God's sake.

The path of God is one of the disbursements of zakat, and it combines the third group, the office of zakat, and the office of zakat, which is skillfully led by its administrator, entrusted to it, and (Saber) is (Ayoub) Ahmed Abdel Majid. If there is a saying that the Shandi is represented by the sides of (the triangle), which is (the local) and (the third division) and (Shendi University), however, the performance of the Zakat Diwan made this representation. (square) rich and powerful, and Shendi became the (local), (third division), (Shendi University) and (Zakat Diwan).

If the executive director spent his day among the accommodation centers, the division commander among the soldiers, the wounded and the families of the martyrs, and the zakat administrator among the needy and needy families, then the chairman of the council from Shendi University, Engineer Al-Muatasem Ibrahim and Director of Shendi University, Dr. Hassan Awad Al-Karim, spent the Eid day among students, workers and scholars. They inspected the students in the residential schools and offered them beautiful felicitations and blessings. as Eid approaches, and did not forget to offer them good invitations.

Manager Shendi was close to all these people, and they were experiencing the “joy” of Eid, far from their usual atmosphere before, but their tone said to each of these leaders: “Hamdan”, “Khaled”, “ Al-Mu.” 'tasim”, “Awad Al-Karim” and “Ayoub”. He repeats: “Eid has arrived and you are near. May God reward you.

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