Shindi Executive presents Al-Qulaya School with Academic Excellence Cup

The Executive Director of Shindi Locality, Khaled Abdul Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, awarded Al-Qulaya Girls Middle School (A) in the South with the Academic Excellence Cup, where it outperformed all schools in the locality and secured first place in the academic competition and surpassed the Northern School at the end of the competition.
The Executive Director of Shendi Locality, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, said that his locality is the first locality in the Nile State to implement this competition with a high level of organization, arrangement and precision in the standards and judging committees. which won the satisfaction of the competitors.
The Executive Director congratulated the School Activities Department, headed by Al-Naqr Majzoub, for successfully expanding the competition.
Abdul Ghaffar announced awards for schools that achieved gold rank and incentives for judging committees.
The Executive Director congratulated the Department of Education, which successfully closed the academic year.
The Headmaster of the Primary Stage, Dr. Muhammad Musa, provided an explanation of the conduct of the academic competitions as well as the controls and standards applied therein regarding the fairness of the competition.
Director of School Activities Al-Naqr Majzoub announced that next year's competition would start early and would benefit from all the feedback that emerged during this competition.
The organizing committee honored a number of institutions and public figures supporting the academic competition program.