Shindi General Administration of Youth and Sports Honors Second Commander of Third Infantry Division

The General Administration of Youth and Sports in Shendi locality honored the second commander of the Third Infantry Division in Shendi, Major General Omar Al-Sir, on the occasion of his promotion from the rank of Brigadier General to the rank of Major General.

The Minister of Youth and Sports of the Nile State, Louay Mustafa, the executive director of the locality of Shendi, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, its governor, Muhammad Mahjoub, the judiciary and a number of personalities, in addition to representatives of Sunni schools and sports academies, participated in this ceremony, which took place during the opening carnival of the course of the martyrs of the battle of Karama.

The Minister of Youth and Sports of the Nile State, Louay Mustafa, praised the great and great roles played by Major General Al-Sir, and that this promotion he received is the expression and culmination of all the work and efforts he has provided for the military institution in general and to the 3rd Infantry Division in general.

Major General Omar Al-Sir participated in several activities after his promotion to the rank of Major General, including the installation of panels in support of the armed forces and the battle of dignity, carried out by the Cooperative Foundation in a number of entrances and main roads of the city of Shendi.

He was present and participated in the rally in support of the armed forces, organised by traders and businessmen at the local hall in Shendi.

The honor of the carnival organized for the Martyrs of Dignity Tournament, organized by the General Administration of Youth and Sports of Shindi.

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