Shindi Narcotics Police Warn of Danger of 'Satan'

Anti-narcotics police aide Ahmed Al-Nour warned of the danger of drugs for Sudanese society and stressed the need to raise community awareness that this is a Western invasion .

He said this at the Forum on Dignity (Pride of the Nation) titled (Drugs and their Impact on Society), organized by the General Administration of Culture, Media and Communications in Shendi locality (Wednesday), in the context of the World Anti-Drug Day.

One of the causes of the war in Sudan is drugs.

He pointed out that the most dangerous drug is the so-called “Satan” in the sense that it disrupts the functions of the kidneys and liver and transforms a man into a woman and can lead to

Death or loss of consciousness, and the least dangerous of these drugs is (Kharsha), noting that the human body can only tolerate 100 milligrams of the drug (practical anesthesia), and that more than that leads to addiction.

He revealed an increase in the volume of seizures, indicating that their volume alone at the locality of Shendi during the year 2023 amounts to 624 reports under articles of the Penal Code (20, 16, 15) possession , use, promotion and trade. He stressed that among the accused are Sudanese foreigners and that all those who traffic drugs face the court.

He attributed the entry of drugs into Sudan despite the presence of police and control agencies to the fact that Sudan's borders are open, stressing that drugs are destructive to the country's economies, stressing that combating them requires (sober) consciousness – as he said. –

For his part, the top prosecutor in Shendi, according to Al-Rasul Mustafa, said that the most dangerous addiction went beyond drugs and became an electronic and digital addiction. He called on Sudanese families and parents to be vigilant about their children's relationships, especially with smartphones. He continued: “The time of traditional drugs is over. Digital electronics and the Internet remain,” indicating that the criminal law provides sanctions to prosecute those involved in trafficking, living or promoting.

On the other hand, the second prosecutor, Maulana Ali Omar, revealed the danger of using children for promotion purposes, stressing that the prosecution is governed by the specific incentive, where the child used is released on the grounds that he is a minor, and regarding the sale of cough medicines in pharmacies without a prescription, he confirmed that the Medicines Law is strong and does not contain any problem, but he confirmed that the new law does not contain a criminal provision that criminalizes the pharmacist for selling without a prescription.

For his part, Dr. Khaled Hassan Abdullah, professor at Shendi University, explained that drugs are a cause of psychological depression (schizophrenia) and noted that addiction leads to audiovisual hallucinations, that the person has thoughts suicidal and loses the desire to live, in addition to damaging the nerves and destroying the personality.

He pointed out that increasing the sleep rate of a family member helps identify addiction, as well as agitation, constant demands for money and constant complaints of headaches.

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