Shindi Popular Resistance records visit to family of martyrs Bashri and Saeed

The South Shendi Popular Resistance, led by resistance leader Muhammad Abdel-Wahab Wad al-Assad, and its executive office recorded a visit to the family of martyr Major Awad Bashri of the Armored Corps in the village. de Muis, and the family of martyr Abdel Basset Saeed, in the Al-Hafyan region.

The popular resistance offered its condolences to the two martyrs who gave their souls in sacrifice for the homeland.

The leader of the Popular Resistance in South Shendi, Wad al-Assad, said that Major Awad Bashri and Abdel Basset Ahmed Said were the highest role model in jihad and defense of the homeland, and that they had given their soul, which is the most precious thing, no one possesses. He added that their martyrdom coincided with the days of blessed Eid al-Adha, which coincided with great significance as their martyrdom coincided with the days of redemption, which are blessed days.

God prayed that they would receive good acceptance and a paradise as vast as the heavens and the earth.

Wad al-Assad expressed his wish that the armed forces achieve a strong and powerful victory over this aggression that has targeted the country, and stressed that victory is very close and imminent.

The South Shendi Popular Resistance had developed a program to visit the families of the martyrs during the days of Eid and present their duty towards these families.

The South Shendi Popular Resistance shared the joy of Eid with the soldiers and mobilized the soldiers through field visits and the distribution of a number of sacrifices in the bases, defenses and defense lines. forehead.

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