Shindi Security and Intelligence Service Implements First Post-War Partnership to Achieve Health and Social Security

Shindi's General Security and Intelligence Service implemented the first post-war partnership to achieve health and social security.

This initiative is the first action taken by the agency more than a year and a half after the outbreak of war in Khartoum last April, and the security apparatus had mobilized all its capabilities to secure the country and repel the aggression.

Observers considered that the implementation of the partnership by the Shindi Intelligence Service to achieve health and social security is an indication of the establishment of security and a significant increase in the security zone.

The Executive Director of Shindi Locality, Khaled Abdul Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, praised the growing role played by the General Intelligence Service in Shindi, especially in implementing this partnership with the locality in the field of health, promoting a healthy environment and combating disease vectors.

Abdel Ghaffar stressed that partnerships are important to implement the works and expand their scope to cover the larger area in the targeted areas.

The Executive Director thanked the entities that participated in the campaign, such as the Environmental Sanitation Association, Seed of Hope, the Expatriate Media Association, the Khartoum Playwrights Association and the Unions of People with Special Needs.

Director of the General Intelligence Service in Shindi, Colonel Ahmed Farah Saeed, said that the implementation of this partnership is under the slogan “One hand builds, one hand bears arms” and the agency will continue its cooperation with the relevant authorities until this is the case. The program ends with full success.

Director of Shindi Health Department Samia Othman said that such partnership opens the door to more partnerships, this partnership with intelligence services has expanded the scope of the work and the participating forces of the agency and civil society organizations become an addition to health awareness, which is the basis of the success of this work.

Samia Othman said that the campaign is based on combating disease vectors, promoting environmental health, chlorinating water from house to house, and campaigns in markets targeting expired products and foods presented in an unhealthy manner and the transportation of waste. This campaign continues for three days, day and night, and is accompanied by fog spraying in markets, institutions and neighborhoods.

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