Shindi Security Services Campaign Against Negative Phenomena

In light of the obvious targeting that Shendi city is facing after the emergence of many negative phenomena that have threatened security and caused panic and apprehension among citizens.

Joint forces to secure Shendi city waged campaign against negative phenomena

The leadership of the 3rd Infantry Division, the Intelligence Division, the police force and the Security and Intelligence Service participated in this campaign and were targeted.

The campaign targeted crime dens, negative phenomena, sleeper cells, troublemakers and panic among citizens by firing shots, as well as stores selling municipal alcohol and drugs.

These campaigns have attracted praise and satisfaction from citizens who have expressed their happiness, and some of them have explained that they continue to suffer from these negative phenomena that threaten their society and their daily lives.

For its part, the joint forces confirmed that these campaigns will continue until the elimination of all negative phenomena and alcohol stores, and called on citizens to respect the curfew hours in accordance with the decision of the State Security Committee and to stay away from anything suspicious and practicing negative phenomena so that the individual is not subject to arrest and the place is removed.

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