Signs of hypocrisy, gain and betrayal… We cannot rely on the will of the nation…!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas See More

A group of banners represents a scandalous literature behind which the foreign supporters of the rebellion and their acolytes among the compatriots who carry the cards (collaboration and treason) and all the fallen people who follow, hope to whiten their faces and conceal the shameful positions by which they sought to sell Sudan in the slave market, and when the sale was lost and their evils returned to their throats, and to lick their destruction with their own planning, they resorted to “banners of deception” represented by the lie (no to) war and its attachments of (lame civilization), (undermined) negotiation, humanitarian aid and (defeatist) call for a no-fly zone and other (broken) tools that they exchange at the tables of (shame) inside. closed (paid) rooms… So what these (sad) people did not understand is that they were the ones who were (deceived) by their signs and believed them. Their situation is like that of (Ashaab Al-Akol). who falsely indicated to the children who were playing in the street a house in which there was (a table), so they ran towards it and he followed them (running). He said to himself: (Maybe it is true..!!)*.

*So how can the war makers, with all its details, and the killers of democracy (deceive) our people with false slogans and appeals, in order to show something other than the (bad intentions) hidden in them, and then swallow themselves in (greed) in the sanctuary of their slogans and ask our people and their leaders to go (willingly) to their reckless lie..? Doesn't this mean that they themselves have swallowed their bait, so they have not hunted and harvested anything other than more (nakedness) in front of the whole world and not only in front of our people..?!! Do they think that such (oddities) can be enough (to conceal) their nakedness…?!! Or are they (delusional) that practicing (the profession of chameleon) can extract certificates of (good conduct and behavior) from our people or can awaken their patriotism from its clinical death..?!!

*And between these and those, the parasites (hypocrites) grow, stretching their necks towards the payments (buying slander) to get their share, in exchange for (vomiting) lies and associating them with (sick) writings and hadiths, it is now. a popular commodity for those who buy. And their slogans bounce back and they turn into losers. The (pure) will of our people is not subject to the bets and (abominations) that they commit in their club. damage to their conscience, their humiliation and their national fall, under the feet of the foreign servants… and there is no power nor strength except with God..!!*

*We will write and write…!!!*

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