Sinar Janjaweed Cemetery – Whale's Thorn – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*I am writing this column from inside my trench in the West Sennar area, and what I am writing is an eyewitness observation and not sourced information, and so as not to go too far, the rapid support militia suffered losses yesterday, May 29, 2024. The most pessimistic did not expect losses of such magnitude, even if the militias provided brutal support to the armed forces in the area of Al-Balaihab in Jabal Muwayya, which is the same area where the militia was defeated last February. It can be said that the armed forces treated these militias gently and transformed them into simple ones (dervishes in the presence of Maddah) and started seeking salvation afterwards. they fell under the influence of the army, they were transformed into what looked like birds in a hunter's cage*.

* Yesterday was considered one of the dark days for the SDF militia in the Western Sennar region as the Sudanese Armed Forces managed to wipe out the entire forces that attacked the Jebel Muya region. More than eighteen Land Cruisers were destroyed, while the dead were destroyed. among them without number or enumeration, and a large number of them were arrested and injured. The militiamen turned their backs on them and left them dead and injured. As for the prisoners, they were treated in accordance with what was stipulated. in international humanitarian law. The armed forces always have the initiative on the battlefield, relying on their rifles and standing still with bullets, waiting for the moment to pounce on the brutal supporting militias*.

*The armed forces faced the SDF militia with a policy of draining the water from the fish pond. The militia's supply has been completely cut off and they have even started removing fuel from the fuel tanks of citizens' vehicles, which confirms that the militia seeks to block the Sinar Rabak national highway in an attempt to obtain fuel that will allow them to escape from the West Sennar area, after the militia soldiers began committing thefts and transgressions in an attempt to obtain food and drink. to the point of stealing chickens, camels and camels to put out with them the fire of hunger that inflames their stomachs. Whoever wants to see humiliation, humiliation and deprivation, let him look at the Severe Support Militia as they experience the worst times. hunger, poverty of morals, and lack of provisions and decency*.

* The State of Sennar will remain stubborn against the SDF militia, because it is the citadel in which the blades of this militia were broken. Sennar will be a graveyard for the Janjaweed and will not stand for it, knowing that the SSR militia lives in illusion. of (Kwadik) the Sultan of Mayrno, and they attribute the victories of the armed forces and their continued defeats to the Sultan of Mayrno, and every time they are defeated in a battle and they lose a certain number of deaths every time they curse the Sultan of Mayrno. Mayerno, and they did not know that all the people of Sennar were the Sultan of Mayerno. Their only, first and last objective was to destroy and defeat the SDF militia. Sennar would be the largest cemetery in human history for the SDF. Without the sanctity of death, burial of the dead among them would not have been permitted. The land of Sennar could be a resting place for the righteous, such as Sheikh Farah Wad Taktuk, Al-Sabunab, Ashraf Karkoj, Sheikh Abdullah Al-Injafaw, Wad Uwais, Al-Yaqubab and a number of righteous people whose memory is crowded and there is not enough space to mention them, and it is not right to bury the dead of the militias in the land of justice and righteousness*.

Half a fork

*The armed forces counted a number of martyrs in this battle. Their souls rose and their bodies fell to tell the world that the Sudanese army is writing a lecture with blood ink filled with pure and honorable souls and leadership that conquers circumstances and knows. nothing but victory.*

A quarter of a fork

*The lands of Sennaar will remain guarded and protected as promised*.

(email protected)

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