Sinar of the battle that defeated their media – the witness – ✍️ Ahmed Al-Bathani

The rule on which the citizen must rely is this war, according to the head of the intelligence services. Today's war has become media coverage. The militia was eliminated militarily. It is clear that the trumpets of the militia prepared for what happened in the steadfast skies of Sinnar. The stubborn Sinar of iron and fire has begun. As fierce as the media campaign against Sinnar was, so was the judiciary. With a stroke of the pen, we hoped to find help from the media offices affiliated with Sennar State, which owns many institutions and media outlets… but thanks to the Sennar State declaration, which came of his governor…the declaration was the final blow that silenced the feathers of tremors and the voices of traitors and agents…for Sennar to remain safe. of Challenge and Sinnar of the Armed Forces… Our confidence in our ancient, prudent and deep army continues to be renewed and confirmed that a people defended by the lions of the Sudanese army will not be oppressed, will not be defeated , and they will not harm them… The events that accompanied Sinnar confirmed that the flags of the militia and its supporters are null and void, large and wide, and have no place in terms of honesty, honesty and professionalism, Sinar. was a loser to their media. Disappointment is when the game ends and you are defeated and you hide in shame of what you wrote when the truth becomes clear. Their voices became loud and the media was filled with them with lies and deception, so the data silenced them and the videos. and the voices silenced them, so their morning was one of erasure and isolation. The bitter truth that the militia media needs to be aware of, according to the events of Sinnar's owner, is that there is no place for them after this in the minds of those. who see their lies and deception, and if they have power and gain regional and international support and support, the sun of Sudan that shines on the shoulders of its valiant army will not set… Hail to the knights of armed forces as they give the militia and agents one and several lessons on firmness and how to fight wars with the professionalism demonstrated by the competent authorities and knowledge of military work.

God is great and glory to Sudan, its people and its army.

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