Sinnar State receives significant military reinforcements from Operations Authority and Mujahideen Brigades

Sinnar State receives significant military reinforcements from Operations Authority and Mujahideen Brigades

As for the governor of Sennar, the citizen of Sennar must talk to himself about jihad and martyrdom

Commander of the Seventeenth Infantry Division, Sinja, we tell the rebel militias and their supporters that you will not succeed in breaking the power of Sudan, and Sinar is stubborn against you.

Sinar State Police Director False militia flags do not create a victory

Director of the General Intelligence Service in Sennar State… We will fight until Sudan is free from rebellion

Surviving Abdullah, we will support the armed forces to defeat what remains of the militia

Al-Tom Hajo… Today is the beginning of Sennar's victory

Sinja / Al-Nazir Ali

Sinnar State, led by Governor Tawfiq Muhammad Ali, members of the security committee, military services and the people of Sinja received today, under the leadership of the 17th Sinja Infantry Division, significant military reinforcements from the Security Operations Authority. The apparatus, led by Major General of Security Muhammad Awad Othman, head of the Central Sector Department, and the mujahideen brigades, led by Al-Naji Abdullah, and these military reinforcements come to support the forces stationed in the west and in the north of the State of Sinnar. , this force is considered the most powerful in terms of military equipment and fighters.

The Governor of Sinnar said that this day is one of the immortal days of Sinnar, and the people of Sinnar remember it as they remember their Islamic State, and Sinnar remains true to its long history, which lasted over 360 years old. that the surviving Mujahid Abdullah aroused the feelings of all the Sinnar people, so that every Sinnar must talk to each other about jihad and martyrdom.

The commander of the 17th Infantry Division Sinja, Major General Othman Ismail Siraj, said that we tell the rebel militia and its supporters that you will not be able to break the power of the Sudanese people and that Sinar is stubborn against you. said that these large military reinforcements would leave today to liberate what remains of the lands of Sinar and would head towards the island, repeating Sinar Nar, Sinar Nar.

Sinnar State Police Director General Tariq Al-Rih said that the militia's false flags do not lead to victory and that this force will defeat and crush you on all fronts.

The director of the General State Intelligence Service, Brigadier General Omar Al-Tayeb, said that we will continue to fight until Sudan is freed from the rebellion, stressing that Sennar will be a cemetery for the Janjaweed, stressing that the armed forces eliminated those who tried to infiltrate Sennar in a suicide operation in which they all died.

The surviving Mujahid Abdullah confirmed that these forces will be a support and support to the armed forces to defeat what remains of the militia, emphasizing that Sennar will not be a colony torn apart by the militia. We say to the mercenaries: “Your hope. failed. » We also affirm that our fights are taking place alongside our brothers of Sennar to resolve what remains of the militia to defend the history of Sennar, the verses of the Quran, Al-Masid, Al-Khalawi and the verses of Sennar. He said we are committed to the pact and Sudan's promise of victory.

Tom Hajo said this day is the beginning of victory

From Sennar and the liberation of every inch of the country of Sudan, indicating that God Almighty has promised victory, quoting the words of God Almighty (permission is given to those who fight because they have been wronged, and God is Able to grant them victory) and that this verse is a practical response to these mercenaries.

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