Siraj Al-Din Abdul Rahim takes office as Director General of the Ministry of Culture, Information and Communications

Atbara: Total Net

Engineer Siraj Al-Din Abdul Rahim Abdullah took office today as Director General of the Ministry of Culture, Information and Communications, succeeding Professor Mustafa Muhammad Othman Al-Sharif, Minister-designate, in the presence of the directors of the ministry's departments.

Professor Mustafa Al-Sharif expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Governor of the Nile State, Dr. Muhammad Al-Badawi Abdel-Majed Abu Qarun, for his trust and mission during the past period, appreciating his continued support for all the ministry's initiatives and programs, wishing him success in serving the nation.

Mr. Mustafa Al-Sharif praised the efforts made by all employees of the Ministry and the Radio and Television Corporation during the last period, highlighting the work of a single team. We appreciate the expertise of Engineer Siraj Al-Din Abdul Rahim, wishing him success in leading the Ministry to broader horizons, stressing the importance of benefiting from his experience in developing the cultural and media sector.

For his part, Engineer Siraj El-Din Abdel Rahim expressed his thanks and appreciation to Professor Mustafa Al-Sharif for the great support and cooperation he found from him, stressing the importance of continuing to work as a single team to achieve the ministry's goals.

In the same context, the delegation paid an inspection visit to the Nile Media Production Center, where it presented its congratulations on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the armed forces, and Engineer Siraj stressed the ministry's continued support to the center and the armed forces in their fight against rebel militias.

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