Skiing and Returning to Life – Ink and Quill – ✍️ Moataz Abdel Qayyum

Paying attention to sports activities in the Nile State, especially in the Shendi locality, is considered a major and successful step taken by the Shendi Locality Youth and Sports Administration, headed by Muzamil Sayyed Ahmed and with the blessing of the Executive Director Mohamed Abdel Ghaffar and the sports leaders took up the gauntlet and began to take interest in various sports activities other than football, and this transformation will open new horizons for sports activity in the region, as great interest is shown in martial arts and taekwondo. in addition to the establishment of the recently established skating stadium. This stadium was very well received by those interested in the activity, which reflects the urgent need for such facilities in safe states and the importance of these measures and the role it plays in supporting. local sports.

The establishment of the skating stadium in Shendi was an important step in revitalizing sports in the Shendi region. It is not just a stadium, but rather an integrated sports community that allows young people to practice their favorite activities. can find an outlet for themselves, which helps to strengthen the competitive spirit and skill development. In addition, the stadium will enhance the possibility of hosting local and regional tournaments, making Shendi a vital sports center on the Nile.

Especially after the role of the Youth and Sports Administration in supporting sports activities and the pivotal role that the Youth and Sports Administration aspires to play in promoting sports activities in the state and in the locality of Shendi, as the administration seeks to expand the scope of sports and support available. activities that attract young people, and this increased interest in various activities is seen as representing a new openness to sports in the region. Furthermore, the strong support of the administration confirms its determination to develop the sports community and invest in the capacities of young people in multiple areas. The work of the administration will have positive effects in the long term, and the interest of the Nile Ski Federation is evident, as

The Ski Federation represents a new beginning for the sport in the Nile, headed by the Secretary of the Federation, Fath al-Rahman Othman “Ftouh”, who confirmed that this federation has a clear vision to promote skiing in the state, which will lead to comprehensive development in this field. Fattouh stressed the importance of paying attention to skiing and that a great deal of work awaits the federation. In addition, other federations are working to activate this type of activity, which reflects the spirit of cooperation between the various sports bodies, as such efforts will contribute to building a community. a solid sports base in the region.

The Union's future plans seem to be to establish ski clubs, which are part of future plans to establish ski clubs throughout the Nile State. These clubs will help attract more young people to the sport and strengthen the sports community. Through these clubs, there will be an opportunity to teach the basic principles of skating and develop the skills of the young people. The clubs will seek to offer training programs under the supervision of professionals, which will increase the chances of future success. Such initiatives will also be a starting point for organizing local tournaments that will contribute to the development of the sport in the region.

Challenges arise due to current circumstances in the country

Unfortunately, the current circumstances that the country is going through impose great challenges on the sports movement and, with the outbreak of the war, it has become necessary for the federation and other youth sports bodies to be more open in the states, as the trend towards Safe states reflects the desire to maintain sports activity despite the current challenges. This step will play a major role in maintaining the safety of athletes and people interested in sports activities. Therefore, the maximum effort must be to open the doors of academies and clubs. to meet these challenges.

Because the opportunities for the development of young people and budding players in sports, regardless of the challenges, there is a great opportunity to develop sports programs for young people and budding players, and safe states must invest in youth centers to teach sports skills, in the presence of experts and technicians in this field, which will achieve tangible results, and these can also contribute to training qualified players capable of competing at the regional and international levels. This step could lead to creating a bright future for professional sports in Sudan.

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