Sleeper cells are a time bomb that threatens the state – the latest treatment – ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayyid

An international conspiracy against Sudan provoked this heinous war from which the Sudanese were not spared, which destroyed crops, livestock and infrastructure. Women were raped and citizens were displaced from their homes. All those who remained in their homes were subjected to humiliation, humiliation, beatings and death at the hands of members of this insensitive militia, young or old, children or women.
This war has revealed many dangers that threaten the state, the most important being the sleeper cells in cities and rural areas and wherever they work, because some of them practice various professions, from trade to marginal professions. Children can be recruited. The cells are military cadres who hide in cities to ask for help in times of need or in case of an attack on a specific area. They monitor civilians or military. movements.
What has raised concerns is that security agencies in various parts of the country have recently managed to arrest a large number of such cells, some of which were armed and in possession of sophisticated weapons.
The phenomenon of the presence of these sleeper cells has become a threat to the state, today and in the future, unless it is dealt with decisively, as they are considered a time bomb.
The danger that these sleeper cells pose to the state comes from the infiltration of some of them into the articulations of the state, into the civil service and into various government or private installations. Some of them are considered the political wing of the rapid support militia.
Whether they are leaders or employees, they are considered a security threat that hinders the development of the country, which contributes to the general deterioration of the country and represents a danger to the society of the State.
Sleeper cells have become the biggest challenge facing the state and its security services in their war against the Rapid Support rebel militias.
Which is run by several countries and managed by foreign intelligence services, which seek to colonize Sudan for its resources, even if the return results in the killing and displacement of its population in a war in which the minimum moral and religious components and standards and respect for international laws are lacking.
The fight against these sleeper cells is no longer limited to the security services alone, but rather constitutes a process of solidarity and a duty and responsibility of the individual, the family and society in all its sectors, because they affect national security and have an impact on the state and the conduct of military operations.
We know that the burden will be heavy for the security services of all kinds in the face of these sleeper cells in various parts of the country, whether in state institutions or in markets and neighborhoods. Therefore, society must contribute to combating this phenomenon and this neighborhood. The commissions must report newcomers and foreigners whose movements arouse doubts and doubts, and the landlords who are tenants play a leading role in this problem, as well as real estate brokers, by informing about the categories that rent these properties, specifying the specific locations, and paying huge sums that are not proportional to the property.
In order for us to list the prevention methods and contribute to reducing the danger of these cells, combating them and arresting these agents and employees, the relevant official authorities must organize seminars and exploit platforms such as mosques and various places of worship to warn of the danger posed by these groups and report them if they are found in the neighborhoods of cities and rural areas.
The role of different types of media must also be activated to alert about the danger of these cells, as they play a vital role in these issues as a source of influence that helps in orientation and guidance.
The media, especially the visual media, must present programs and fictions that address this issue in order to contribute to raising awareness in society of the danger that these sleeper cells represent for the security of the nation.