So that the leaf of Western Kordofan does not fall – No to policies of discrimination on a tribal and regional basis ✍️ Muhammad Qur Hamid

He witnessed the history of nature… Of course, there is a difference between natural history and what we call natural history.

Natural history is a science and a theory studied. It examines the logical development of universal natural phenomena and the environment that distinguishes the geography of one place from another. It is interested in the study of nature in its various aspects. In my view, and I am not a researcher specialized in this field… while we were talking about natural history… here we must understand the events that are considered as manifestations of material nature and not these universal laws.

Natural history has shown that great trees fall with age, age and environmental factors. Its leaves dry up and fall off… and its stems wither.

The leaves always fell during the fertile season of the collapse and were scattered in droppings containing time.

The seed of conflict that germinated in the state of Western Kordofan has only sprouted a tree of Zaghum… which continues to cast shadows over us invaded by the devil of our war and by the demons of humanity and the jinn.

They are the only ones who have taken over, issued and confiscated the civil discourse of the tribe and altered its norms, values ​​and ideals.

The demons of humanity and the jinn are those who led the human being of the state to the ropes of a bench whose stakes they had firmly attached, to hang the face of truth and shed the last drop of blood in which the genes of the tribe coagulated. Its placenta gave birth to those who planted the dagger of destruction and diaspora in its womb … and the will of its citizens weakened in the face of the management of their cultural diversity and ethnic diversity … Perhaps this is it. This is what founded the hate speech that was amplified by the media machine, which led many departments and official institutions of the state and some agencies to read this speech in a way that manifests policies of discrimination on the basis of gender and tribe … which harmed many innocent people who did not have a harvest. This war is only the bitter fruit of their movement and migration during the lean years.

But I remain firmly convinced that the Government of Sudan, thanks to its knowledge of the characteristics of these tribes, has a great capacity to approach this issue in a context that preserves the security of the State without prejudice to the rights of individuals from these ancient tribes.

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