Social entities in North Kordofan.. The time for men has come ✍️ Al-Zein Kandowa

The parties that organized the failed assassination attempt on Mr. Al-Burhan, the commander of the Sudanese army, certainly want to sow confusion in the security and institutional arena at this difficult time, to facilitate the process of dismantling the Sudanese state. The Sudanese army is historically known for being a military system disciplined by institutional and hierarchical principles, but it seems that those who orchestrated the plot believed that they would succeed in dismantling the army if their plan were successful.

– In general, the attempt failed, and I think it will not be limited to this measure. Therefore, special and comprehensive attention must be paid to all ongoing activities and programs in all states of Sudan, and this failed attempt must certainly contribute to further strengthening the internal front of the Sudanese society in general, and its strong alignment with its army to block everything… Gaps because protecting the homeland is everyone's mission, because if this failed attempt succeeds, all states of Sudan will be grappling with mercy from (Satan), especially the state of North Kordofan, which has become evident that it has been targeted by many internal and external parties due to its abundance of economic resources that the whole world needs, in addition to its geographical location. location of its white capital, designated as the future capital of Sudan and as the largest commercial, political and development center.

To this end, and according to confirmed information, the Dar Hamid tribe has prepared to provide the greatest support to our army, represented by the Haggana forces of the Fifth Infantry Division, and it seems that in this context, Dar Hamid felt the It is important to stand firmly behind the heroes of the trenches, and not the (hotels) who gave the precious and the precious to tirelessly protect the homeland. If this is done, I think that the support will be deserved, and will not be limited to a single element, because it is a role that everyone must play. This is an obligation that is imposed on everyone because the State of North Kordofan is not far from the overall plan that aims to dismantle Sudan and displace its population, and with this concept we must restore the “factory settings” regarding our engagement with our great Sudanese army, and to devote our precious and valuable efforts to the forces of the Fifth Infantry Division, Al-Hagana or Resh SAS, and all the regular forces of the State of North Kordofan, who are in the trenches, to unify and strengthen the internal front of Kordofan.

I believe that all civil society groups, philanthropists and businessmen in Al-Obeid and other localities of the state must align themselves with the Haganah and its partners in this fateful battle, and I am referring here directly to the tribal unions because they are more organized, include with them all specializations and commercial fields, and have the ability to attract community support and effective contribution, and above all this, and what is very important, is moral support because this soldier or officer sacrifices his life for the good of others and justifies his professional oath.

_ Therefore, I expect that in this difficult time, all tribal federations will compete, such as the All-Badiriyah Union, the All-Dar Hamed Union, the All-Jama'ia Union and other tribal unions and their Shura bodies and legal bodies for the Shuwaihat, Shanblah, Kababish, Bahariya Mountains, Kawahila and Majenun tribes, in providing moral and material support to the armed forces in their trenches in North Kordofan, in confirmation of their adherence to the institutions of the Sudanese state.

I firmly believe that this call will find someone to interact with, even after some time, and whoever takes the gauntlet will certainly have the first place to get the honor of the national interaction required at this time to truly contribute to thwarting the strategies that want to dismantle the country.

May you always stay safe,,,,

Friday August 2, 2024

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